GCSE Chemistry C2 - Section 5 Acids, Bases and Salts Flashcards
3 things that sodium hydroxide from the electrolysis of brine is used to make are . .
bleach, paper and soap
Acid + base =
a salt + water
Negative ions are . . . . . At the electrodes
This method breaks down a substance using electricity
An alkali is a . . .
soluble base
The metal to be used to electroplate an object is made into the . . . . electrode
We measure how acidic or alkaline a substance is by measuring its . .
An insoluble precipitate can be collected by . . .
This method can be used to remove some metal compounds from waste water
Reduction is . . .
gaining electrons
Chlorine from the electrolysis of brine can be used to make . .
bleach and new plastics
soluble salts can be crystallised out of solution by . . .
evaporating the solvent
The negative electrode is called the . . .
An insoluble precipitate can be collected by . . .
Insoluble salts can be made by reacting 2 solutions to produce a . . .
acid + metal =
a salt + hydrogen
All acids produce this ion in water
Oxidation is . . .
loss of electrons
An indicator is a substance that . . .
changes colour at different pH values
Negative ions are called
Positive ions in electrolysis move towards the . . .
cathode (negative electrode)
Positive ions are called
The metal to be used to electroplate an object is made into the . . . . electrode
Chlorine from the electrolysis of brine can be used to make . .
bleach and new plastics
A base is a substance that will . . .
neutralise an acid
Insoluble salts can be made by reacting 2 solutions to produce a . . .
The object to be elctroplated is made into the . . . . .electrode
soluble salts can be crystallised out of solution by . . .
evaporating the solvent
The positiveelectrodes in aluminium extraction must be replaced periodically because . . .
They are made of carbon and burn away when the oxygen is produced in electrolysis
Positive ions in electrolysis move towards the . . .
cathode (negative electrode)
Negative ions are called
3 advantages of electroplating are . .
it improves the appearance of objects, it protects objects from corrosion and it uses smaller amounts of precious metals
This method can be used to remove some metal compounds from waste water
The negative electrode is called the . . .
The object to be elctroplated is made into the . . . . .electrode
All acids produce this ion in water
A base is a substance that will . . .
neutralise an acid
Negative ions are . . . . . At the electrodes
The positiveelectrodes in aluminium extraction must be replaced periodically because . . .
They are made of carbon and burn away when the oxygen is produced in electrolysis
The 3 products obtained in the electrolysis of brine are . . .
chlorine gas, hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide solution
Positive ions are called
3 things that sodium hydroxide from the electrolysis of brine is used to make are . .
bleach, paper and soap
Reduction is . . .
gaining electrons
Oxidation is . . .
loss of electrons
We measure how acidic or alkaline a substance is by measuring its . .
Negative ions in electrolysis move towards the . . .
anode (positive electrode)
Positive ions are . . . . At the electrodes
3 advantages of electroplating are . .
it improves the appearance of objects, it protects objects from corrosion and it uses smaller amounts of precious metals
Positive ions are . . . . At the electrodes
Negative ions in electrolysis move towards the . . .
anode (positive electrode)
The positive electrode is called the . .
The 3 products obtained in the electrolysis of brine are . . .
chlorine gas, hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide solution
Alkalis produce this ion in water
An alkali is a . . .
soluble base
This method breaks down a substance using electricity
An indicator is a substance that . . .
changes colour at different pH values
Alkalis produce this ion in water
acid + metal =
a salt + hydrogen
The positive electrode is called the . .
Acid + base =
a salt + water