GCSE Biology B3-B4.5 Flashcards
Cells are the basic building blocks of all living organisms. Unicellular and multicellular organisms carry out all the exchanges they need across their cell membranes. Large multicellular organisms contain billions of cells.
A tissue is a group of cells with similar structure and function, working together. For example, muscular tissue which contracts to bring about movement.
Organs are collections of tissue. Each organ contains several tissues, all working together to perform a specific function. For example, the stomach is an organ used in the digestion of food.
Organ system
Organ systems are groups of organs that all work together to perform specific functions. For example, the organ system in the body includes the digestive system, the circulatory system, and the gas exchange system.
‘Lock and Key’ theory
The lock and key theory is a simple model of how enzymes work. The substrate of the reaction to be catalysed fits into the active site of the enzyme. You can think of it like a lock and a key, for the enzyme has a specific shape, which only accepts certain sunstrates. Once its in place, the enzyme and substrate bind together.
Digestive system
Organ system where food is digested and absorbed
Active site
The area on an enzyme where the reactants bind
Amino acids
Molecules made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen that are the building blocks of protein
Enzyme that speeds up the digestion of starch into simple sugars
Neutralises stomach acid to give a high pH for the enzymes from the pancreas and small intestine to work well. It is not an enzyme
Molecules that contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They provide energy for the metabolism and are found in foods such as rice, potatoes and breas
Enzymes that speed up the breakdown of carbohydrates into simple sugars
A substance that speeds up the rate of another reaction but is not used up or changed itself
Biological catalysts, usually proteins
Fatty acids
Part of the structure of a lipid molecule
A simple sugar
Part of the structure of a lipid molecule
Enzymes that speed up the breakdown of lipids into fatty acids and glycerol
Include fats and oils and are found in foods such as olive oil, butter, and crisps. They are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
The sum of all the reactions taking place in a cell or the body of an organism
Enzymes that speed up the breakdown of proteins into amino acids
Molecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen and are made up of long chains of amino acids. They are used for building the cells and tissues of the body and to form enzymes
What factors affect enzyme reaction?
There are two main factors that affect enzyme reaction. These two factors are temperature and the pH. If the temperature or the pH is too high, the enzyme loses its shape and cannot perform its task anymore, it has become denatured
Breakdown of the molecular structure of a protein so it no longer functions
The clear yellow liquid that carries dissolved substances and blood cells around the body
Red blood cells
Cells that carry oxygen throughout the body
White blood cells
Part of immune system. They engulf pathogens and make antibodies and antitoxins
Fragments of cells in the blood that play a vital part in the clotting mechanism of the blood.
The waste product formed by the breakdown of excess amino acids in the liver
Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. They usually carry oxygenated blood and create a pulse. They are under high pressure and have thick lumens
Blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart. They usually carry deoxygenated blood and have valves to prevent the back flow of blood
Smallest blood vessels. Run between individual cells and have walls that are one cell thick.
Double circulatory system
The circulation of blood from the heart to the lungs is separate to the circulation of blood from the heart to the body
Name all parts of the heart
Right ventricle, Right atrium, Vena Cava, Pulmonary artery, Aorta, Valves, Pulmonary vein, Left atrium, Left ventricle, Coronary artery
A metal mesh placed in a blocked or partially blocked artery. They are used to open the blood vessel by the inflation of a tiny balloon
Drugs used to lower blood cholesterol levels and improve the balance of high to low density lipoproteins in the blood
Leaky valves and artificial Valves
Heart valves are under a lot of pressure, as a result they can become leaky or become stiff which leads to eventual death. Doctors can replace them with mechanical ones which are made out of titanium and polymers, but you need to use medicine on a daily basis. Or, a doctor could replace it with a biological valves need no medicine but last only 12-15 years
Artificial Peacemakers
Resting rhythm of a heart is around 70bpm this is controlled by a group of cells in the right atrium called natural peacemakers. When they stop working a device called and artificial peacemaker can be used to correct irregular heart rates. It sends strong electrical signals to stimulate a proper heart beat
Artificial Hearts
When a persons heart fails they need to wait for a donor but usually die while waiting. Scientists have created a temporary heart which gives a diseased heart time to rest and recover. However, this is still new, and cost and resources mean they are not yet widely used. Matthew Green had an artificial heart for 2 years