Gathering Data (Badminton) Flashcards
What are the three methods for gathering data for physical skills?
- Broad Observation Schedule
- Focussed Observation Schedule
- Scatter
What are the advantages of the Broad?
- Gives an initial overview of your main strengths and weaknesses
- Permanent Record
- Can be used to plan a training programme
- Can be compared to future performances to see if improvement has occurred.
- It gives valid, reliable, statistical data which is easy and clear to understand
What are the advantages of the Focussed?
- Gives an overview of which areas and subroutines are the weakest in a certain shot
- Helps to plan a training programme
- Permanent record
- Can be compared to future performances to see if improvement has occurred
- It gives valid, reliable statistical data which is easy and clear to understand
What are the advantages of the Scatter?
- Tells you how accurate and consistent your shot is
- Shows you how far or how close your shot is from landing in the correct area.
- Permanent record
- It gives valid, reliable, statistical data which is easy and clear to understand
What are the advantages of using the video in conjunction with data collection sheets?
- Eliminates human error
- You can pause, slow down or rewind fast pieces of action to ensure you are picking up on every detail so sheets are accurately completed.
- Can zoom in to get a clear view of what’s happening
What are the limitations of the Broad, Focussed and Scatter?
- You can be Bias
- They can be very time consuming
- Performance can change drastically due to opponent
- Without camera human error cannot be eliminated.
What are the methods for gathering data in mental?
- Decision making feedback sheet
- SCAT questionnaire
What are the advantages of the Decision making feedback sheet?
- Gives initial overview of how your decision making is in badminton.
- Gives which area of your decision making is the weakest
- Can plan a training programme with the information
- Permanent record
- Can be compared to future performances to see if improvement has occurred
What are the advantages of the SCAT?
- Easy to understand, Fill in and interpret/analyse the results
- Results can be compared to future performances
- Gives an overview of how anxiety and level of arousal impact on performance
- Permanent record
- It gives valid, reliable, statistical data which is clear and easy to understand.
What are the limitations of the Decision making feedback sheet?
- Bias (If used without coach feedback)
- Time consuming
- Performance differs with opponents
- Without video human error cannot be eliminated
What are the limitations of the SCAT?
- Bias
- How you fill it in could vary depending on what happened before which could give invalid results
What are the methods for gathering data in Emotional?
- Positive and Negative affect questionnaire
- Sport Emotion Questionnaire
- Coach feedback
What are the advantages of the Positive and Negative affect questionnaire and the Sport Emotion Questionnaire?
- Easy to understand, easy to fill in, easy to interpret and analyse
- Results an be compared to future performances
- Gives an overview of how emotions and positive and negative attitudes impact on performance
- Permanent record
- Gives valid, reliable and statistical data which is clear and easy to understand
What are the advantages of coach feedback(Emotional)?
- Instant feedback on performance, so it is fresh in your mind and you can adapt your emotional performance accordingly
- Someone with high expertise which means feedback is valid and reliable
- Can be recorded and compared to in the future
- Can be used to inform you which training approaches to use during your training to manage your emotions
What are the disadvantages of the questionnaires(Emotional)?
- You can be bias
- How you fill it in can vary depending on what happens before it especially with emotional as many things can impact your emotional state.
What are the disadvantages of Coach feedback (Emotional)?
- Might not help manage emotions if wrong feedback is given or misunderstood
- Not valid if not given instantly
What are the methods for gathering data in social?
- Social cohesion Questionnaire
- Peer Feedback
- Coach Feedback
What are the advantages of the Social cohesion Questionnaire?
- Easy to understand, Easy to fill in, Easy to interpret/analyse the results
- Can be compared to future performances
- Gives an overview of how well a team works together
- Can create a plan to develop team dynamics from the data
- Can be compared to in the future to look for improvements
- It gives valid, reliable and statistical data which is easy and clear to understand
What are the advantages of coach feedback(Social)?
- Instant feedback so it is fresh in your mind and you can adjust your social performance accordingly
- Someone who has a high level of expertise
- Feedback is reliable and valid
- can be recorded and compared to future performances
- Can be used to inform you which training approaches to use during you performance to manage social emotions.
What are the advantages of Peer feedback (social)?
- Instant feedback so it is fresh in your mind and you can adjust your social performance accordingly
- They might knows the team really well and fully understands everyone’s strengths and weaknesses
- It can be recorded and compared to future performances
What are the disadvantages of the social questionnaire?
- You can be bias
- How you fill it in can vary depending on what happens before
What are the disadvantages of coach feedback(Social)?
- Not valid if not given instantly
- still might not help manage social emotions if wrong feedback is given or it is misunderstood
What are the disadvantages of Peer feedback(Social)?
- Not valid if not given instantly
- The person may not have complete expertise in the area therefore feedback may not be correct/valid.
How is the Broad Observation Schedule set up?
- Play 3 games to 21 whilst being recorded
- Watch video of the three games and fill in sheet
- sheet is a table with all the shots along the top and down the side 3 boxes with very effective, fairly effective and ineffective. space for percentages below and beside.
How is the Focussed Observation schedule set up?
- Place camera side on from performer
- Partner will serve to performer and they will return using their weakest shot, continue for around 30 shots.
- Watch video and fill in sheet
- Sheet is 3 tables titled = Preparation phase, Action phase and Recovery Phase. Each table has 3 columns, one with a list of sub routines and two empty with titles yes and no.
- Whilst watching video decide if performer did or did not complete the sub routines and tick corresponding box.
How was the SCAT questionnaire set up?
- Questionnaire that asks a performer on how they feel in different situations
- Next to each question is 3 columns titled Rarely, sometimes and often the performer ticks which one applies to each question
- There is a second table which has a list of scores depending on what they put for each question.
- the performer should note down what their score for each question and add it up.
- if score <17 = low level anxiety, 17-24 = high level anxiety and >24 = high level anxiety.
How was the Decision making feedback sheet set up?
- Sheet asks for opponents 2 main weaknesses, what u did well, what you could improve
- Play 1 game to 21 to identify opponents main weaknesses and fill in sheet.
- Play a second game to 21 to identify what you did well to play to these weaknesses and what you could improve, fill in sheet.
How was the Sport Emotion Questionnaire set up?
- Table with a list of feelings and next to each numbers 0 to 4 to indicate how much this feeling affects them were 0 is not at all and 4 is extremely
- Performer will read each feeling and then circle the corresponding number of how much it affects them
- The performer will get a total of 5 feelings with results and how much they affected them = Anxiety, Dejection, Excitement, Anger and happiness
- For example Angers score is Irritated + Furious + Annoyed + Angry divided by 4
How was the Positive and negative affect schedule set up?
- List of 20 feeling and emotions with space for score beside
- Performer reads each feeling and puts a score from 1 to 5 depending on how it affects them, 1 is not at all, 5 is extremely
- Below is instructions on how to calculate positive and negative affect scores
- The positive affect score is the performers scores added up of feeling 1,3,5,9 and so on. Negative affect scores are remaining feelings scores.
- Scores range from 10 to 50
- High positive affect the closer to 50 (Positive)
- Low negative affect closer to 10 (Negative)
How was the social questionnaire set up?
- 18 questions/statements on social aspects towards your team
- Each question has a small number above it either 1, 2 or 3. 1 = task cohesion, 2 = social cohesion and 3 = spurious negatives.
- Beside each question is numbers 1 to 9, performer circles which applies with them, 1 is strongly disagree and 9 is strongly agree
- Add all scores up for the each small number to give you how much each affects task social and negatives,