Gastroenterology Flashcards
What is plummer-vinson syndrome?
Oesophageal web causing dysphagia. May occur with iron-deficiency anaemia.
What is the difference between oesophageal dysmotility (seen in CREST syndrome) and achalasia?
In achalasia, there is failure of relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter causing there to be an increased pressure, whereas in CREST there is a decrease of pressure within the oesophagus.
Investigations for dysphagia
All patients require an upper GI endoscopy unless there are compelling reasons for this not to be performed. Motility disorders may be best appreciated by undertaking fluoroscopic swallowing studies.
Which hepatitis is most commonly spread by undercooked pork?
Hep E
Rash associated with coeliac disease?
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Isolated raised alk phos- what conditions cause this?
Pagets & Primary biliary cirrhosis
How do you treat primary biliary cirrhosis?
NB don’t forget that PBC can cause a varicael bleed so be careful
Treatment of C.diff?
2 weeks of oral metronidazole
Second line = IV vancomycin
If you are giving someone fluids, what must you say?
I will monitor fluids carefully by regularly checking blood pressure lying and standing, looking at the JVP, listening to the lung bases and monitoring urine output.
How do you treat cerebral odema?
Sit patient up, O2, Iv dex/IV mannitol.
In a diarrhoea history what is it important to check in the social history?
Always check occupation, incase they handle food and then they should be excluded from work
If a patient presents with bloody diarrhoea, what investigations are you going to do?
Stool MC & S as always, then check FBC and U&es (for e-coli 0157).
In which patients might you suspect ischaemic colitis to be causing their diarrhoea?
In arteriopaths/history will always involve IHD
What condition is important to rule out in chronic diarrhoea?
Hyperthyroid- they will commonly present with this. DON’T FORGET TO CHECK TFTs
What does diarrhoea at night indicate?
An autonomic neuropathy (at night our bowels should rest). (diabetes etc can cause this)