Gas Transport and Erythrocyte Physiology Flashcards
how does CO2 enter the RBC?
through an AQP1 channel
what is average arterial Po2?
100 mg Hg
what is average venous Po2?
40 mm Hg
how do you find the total oxygen in the arterial blood?
you multiple the Hb content (normal=15) by 1.34. Then you take that product and multiply it by .975
how do you find the total oxygen in the venous blood?
you multiple the Hb content (normal= 15) by 1.34. Then you take that product and multiply it by .75
what does a right shift in the oxygen dissociation curve represent?
decreased affinity for O2
What conditions causes a right shift?
anemia, increased CO2, decreased pH, increased temp, increased 2,3 BPG
what does a left shift in the oxygen dissociation curve represent?
increased affinity of Hb for O2
what is the artero-venous O2 difference used for?
to describe oxygen consumption
what is the Haldane effect?
as O2 levels fall, CO2 levels increase
what are the requirements for erythropoiesis?
adequate nutrition, vitamin B12 and folate, and iron
what do you have if there is deficient transport of transferrin to developing erythroblasts?
hypochromic anemia
what is methemoglobinemia?
increased methemoglobin (up to 25%); decreased oxygen availability to tissues and left ward shift
what is a clinical sign of methemoglobinemia?
blue skin
what is hemachromatosis?
iron overload leading to liver cirrhosis, skin pigmentation, and DM