gas exchange and acid base regulation Flashcards
this law states that the rate of gas transfer (V gas) is proportional to the tissue area, the diffusion coefficient of the gas and the difference in the partial pressure of the gas on the two sides of the tissue and is inversely proportional to the thickness
ricks law of diffusion
partial pressure can be determined by
the specific % of fractional content of the gas in the gas mixture x the absolute barometric pressure
the total pressure is equal to the sum of the arptial pressures of the gases is known as
Dalton’s law
air is composed of
oxygen, carbon diode and nitrogen
calculation of partial pressure
Pair = PO2 + PCO2 + PN2
T or F: when we say there is less oxygen at higher altitudes, what we really mean is that the air is less dense
true - the percentage of each gas is the same but the concentration of the gases is less
what happens if another gas was added to the atmosphere?
the absolute barometric pressure would not change - the partial pressure of each gas would decrease but the absolute barometric pressure would not change
The rate of gas transfer (V gas) is proportional to the tissue area, the diffusion coefficient of the gas, and the difference in the partial pressure of the gas on the two sides of the tissue, and inversely proportional to the thickness.
ricks law of diffusion
v gas =
rate of diffusion
v gas =
A/T x D x (change of P)
a ]
tissue area
T =
tissue thickness
diffusion coefficient of gas
P1 - P2 =
difference in partial pressure
the rate of diffusion of O2 and CO2 is proportional to the
pressure gradient, surface area
diffusion constant relationship is inversely proportional to the
thickness of the membrane
the diffusion constant is influenced by the
solubility of the gas
the greater the solubility of a gas, what happens to the pressure gradient?
the lower the pressure gradient needed for the gas to diffuse across a membrane
T or F: the membrane solubility of CO2 is 20x greater than O2
T or F: the pressure gradient needed for CO2 is much less than the pressure gradient needed for O2 to diffuse across the respiratory membrane
blood flow to the lungs is described in terms of
zone 1
capillary pressure < alveolar pressure
zone 2
capillary pressure is intermittently > alveolar pressure
zone 3
capillary pressures is > alveolar pressure
pressure in the capillaries is affected by
hydrostatic pressure
pulmonary circuit
-same rate of flow as systemic circuit
-lower pressure
ventilation/perfusion ration (V/Q)
-indicates matching of blood flow to ventilation
- ideal = 1.0 or above if blood flow is high
apex of lung (standing at rest)
- under perfused (V/Q ratio >1.0)
base of lung (standing rest)
- overperfused (V/Q ration < 1)
-gravitational force - zone 3
during upright exercise, blood flow will?
increase to top of lung (apex)
light to moderate exercise will _____ V/Q ration
exercise converts all areas of the lungs to zone
zone 3 perfusion
heavy exercise may result in V/q
each gram of hemoblgobbin binds to
four 4 molelecues of oxygen
what happens to O2 transport in the blood
- bounds to hemoglobin >98% of total
- dissolved in the blood. < 2% of total
binds how many O2 molecule per heme group
___ hemp groups per Hb
Ox + Hb <–>
normal Hb concentrations for men and women
14-18 g/100ml blood
12-16 g/100ml blood
Hb bound to O2
Hb not bound to O2
each gram of Hb has the capacity to bind how many O2 molecules
4 O2 molecules
when full saturated )o is
1.34 mL O2
content of O2 in the blood depends on
- amount of Hb in the blood
- amount of O2 bounds to Hb
low grams of O2 could result
shortness of breath
CO2 transport in the blood by
- dissolved in plasma (10%)
- bound to Hb (20%)
- Bicarbonate (70%)
CO2 has a greater solulbity than Oz leading to
greater transport by this mechanism
hemoglobin + CO2 =
Binding of carbaminohemoglobin depends on
Tor F: when PO2 is low, the affinity of CO2 for Hb is high
muscle bicarbonate ions -
CO2 + H2O –> Carbonic anhydrase -> carbonic acid -> Hydrogenn ion + Bicarbonate
gas transport key points
- O2 is transported in the blood primarily bound to Hb
- Hb unloading of O2 in tissues is enhanced by: decrease PO2, decreased pH, increased temp
CO2 is primarily transported as
bicarbonate ion in the blood
key point - - Hb is 98% saturated with oxygen, and O2 carrying capacity typically does not limit performance: true or false
direction of reactions for oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve depends on
- PO2 of the blood
- affinity between Hb and O2
At the the lung, High PO2 results
formation of oxyhemoglobin
at the tissues, low PO2 results in
release of O2 to tissues
what does steep decline in Hb-O2 from PO2 of 40 to 0 mmHg indicate
this all unloading of O2 to working tissues
indication of the flat portion of the curve from a Po2 of 90 - 100 mmHg
serves as a buffer
A decrease in blood pH (increased acidity) results a
decreased bond between O2 and Hb
three factors effect on O2-Hb dissociation curve?
pH level, temp, 2-3 DPG
AS pH decreases
affinity of O2 for Hb decrease
(bohr effect)
Affinity of )2 for Hb decreases causes
- increases unloading of O2
- rightward shift in the oxyhemoglobin curve
as temperature increases
affinity of O2 for Hb decreases
as 2,3 DPG increases
affinity of O2 for Hb decreases
decrease of pH causes a right shift of the
oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve
increase temp cause a right shift to the
oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve
myoglobin (Mb) serves as
an O2 binding protein in skeletal muscle
Myoglobin shuttles
O2 from the cell membrane to the mitochondria
Mb has a higher affinity of O2 than hemoglobin
- binds O2 at very Low PO2
- allows Mb to store O2
- O2 reseve for muscle
- Buffers muscle O2 needs at onset of exercise until cardiopulmonary system increases O2 delivery to muscle
lactic acid is a strong
bicarbonate is a strong
lower than 7.4 pH is
higher than 7.4 pH is
how do you lose acid
increase of concentration of H+ would decreas pH =
decrease concentration of H+ would increase pH =
loss of acids and accumulation of bases =
decrease concentration of hydrogen ions
production of carbon dioxide
- end product of oxidative phosphorylation
- CO2 + H2) <-> H+ + HCO3
production of lactic acid
glucose metabolism via glycolysis
Sources of H+ - ATP breakdown during muscle contraction
- results in release of H+
- ATP + H2) <-> ADP + HPO4 + H+
high intensity exercise results in production of lactic and
increased hydrogen ions in muscle fibers and blood
increased hydrogen ions can impair performance by
- inhibits glycolytic and TCA enzyme activity (ATP production)
- H+ can impairs muscle contraction by competing with Ca+2 for binding sites on troponin
release H+ ions when
pH is high
Accept H+ ions when
pH is low
intracellular buffers
- carnosine (histidine-dipeptides0
-phosphate groups - bicarbonate
extracellular buffers
- bicarbonate
- hemoglobin
- blood proteins
major extracellular buffers
which have a higher buffering capacity? type 1 or type 2
type 2 have a higher buffering capacity - they are producing more
how does high intensity exercise improves muscle buffering capacity ?
increases of carnosine and hydrogen ion transporters in the trained muscle fibers
carbonic acid dissociation equation
CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H+ + HCO3−.
when Ph decreases H+ increase. therefore, the reaction moves?
- what is removed?
- what is eliminated?
- what happens to pH?
- reaction moves to the left
- CO2 is removed by the lungs
- Eliminating H
- increasing pH