ganjei Flashcards
Contaminated versus Dirty surgical wound
Contaminated: any traumatic wound without evidence of infection, a sx wound with gross spillage, a sx wound with major break in aseptic technique
Dirty: woundwith obvious infection, abscess, purulent discharge, necrotic tissue
Major difference b/w clean and clean-contaminated wounds
Clean: no luminal structures entered (OVH, Neuter, ABD explore, liver biopsy, splenectomy, prophylactic gastropexy)
Clean-Contaminated: luminal structures entered in controlled manner (gastrotomy, gastrectomy, enterotomy, R&A, cystotomy)
Ways to reduce risk of surgical site infection other than via ABX (4)
- Aseptic technique
- Decr. tissue resistance by supporting overall tissue health
- Minimize sx time
- Minimize anesthesia time
Halsted’s Principles: gentle tissue handling, preserve blood supply, control hemorrhage, eliminate dead space, appose tissue accurately, aseptic technique
Perioperative versus Therapeutic antibiotic use
Perioperative: administration of ABX prior to sx or during sx to prevent infection: start 30-60mins prior and stop within 24h post op
Therapeutic: administration of **full course ** of ABX for an active infection (e.g., pt with UTI who is undergoing cystotomy sx –> receiving abx prior, during and post op, 1 week)
Boundaries of abdominal wall (during laparotomy)
Dorsally: quadtratus lumborum
Ventrally: rectus abdominus
Laterally: EAO, IAO, transverse abdominus
What artery must be ligated in male dog in ventral midline laparotomy?
Preputial branch of the caudal SF epigastric artery
Technique to avoid inadvertent organ damage when incising abdominal body wall on midline
- tent body wall
- “reverse press cut”
- blade directed upside down & horizontal
Closure of abdominal wall inbolves what suture type?
Monofilament (e.g., PDS) + taper needle
What is the most critical layer to engage for abd wall closure?
linea alba (suture should engage ≥5mm of fascia)
Approach for abdominal exploratory sx in bovines
Left or right paralumbar celiotomy
Approach for abomasal displacement sx in bovines
Right paramedian celiotomy
Which 3 nerves must be blocked to access the paralumbar fossa in ruminant abd sx? What are 2 methodfs of doing so?
T13, L1 & L2 nerves - blocked w/ lidocaine
1. Distal paravertebral block (above & below TPs of L1, L2, & L4)
2. Inverted L (left side) or 7 (right side) - just caudal to last rib under TPs
What is the most anchored region in stomach?
Cardiac region
What region of stomach suffers most vascular compromise in GDV?
cardiac/fundic region
Holding layer of the stomach
Submucosa layer
Layer with the most collagen to hold suture during healing period
Methods for atraumatic handling in gastrotomy
- stay sutures (3-0 & clamp w/ hemostats)
- specialized forceps (Babcock)
Most common pattern in gastrotomy closure
Double Layer (where 2nd layer is inverting)
- appositional -> inverting
- inverting -> inverting
- appositional (mucosal engaged) -> inverting (outer 3 layers engaged)
Describe technique when incising into stomach during a gastrotomy
- “Press-cut” (stab incision) w/ blade in pencil grip
- Then, extend incision with Metzenbaum scissors
What is the favored type of gastropexy? What type should be avoided?
Favored = Incisional
Avoid! = Incorporating
Where are the 2 incisions in incisional gastropexy made?
- pyloric antrum area (or perpendicular to long axis of stomach)
- thru peritoneum & transverse abdominus on V-L right abd wall, caudal to last rib
Rectal prolapse versus colonic intussusception
Rectal prolapse: when rectum protrudes thru anus, leading to edema & congestion –> probe will hit a wall when passing through
Colonic Intussusception: probe will be able to pass through all the way
How is rectal prolapse treated? Risks of each?
- Viable & reduceable
- Non-viable
- Viable but non-reduceable
- Recurrent despsite tx
- Viable & reduceable = reduction + purse string –> PRONE TO RECURRENCE
- Non-viable = R&A –> recurrence & stricture in cats!!
- Viable but non-reduceable = Colopexy or R&A –> do NOT penetrate the colonic mucosa!!!
- Recurrent despsite tx = consider colopexy -> recurrence & tenesmus common
What rectal prolapse technique should be avoided in cats?
R&A due to high risk of stricture formation
Perineal Hernia
- signalment
- pathogenesis
signalment = Older, intact male dogs
pathogenesis = weakened pelvic diaphragm –> rectum & abd organ herniation, +/- fecal obstruction. Assumed hormonal effect (testosterone).
What tumor commonly arises from the circumanal glands?
SF, benign tumors - Perianal Adenomas
Where does AGASACA commonly metastasize to?
the lungs & lymph nodes
Anal Sac Impaction versus Anal Sacculitis
Anal Sac Impaction: no inflammation, large, non-painful anal sacs. Tx = expression
Anal Sacculitis: PAINFUL anal sacs + inflammation –> more severe form = anal sac abscess. Tx = flush or anal sacculectomy for recurrent/persistent cases
What tumor commonly arises from the glands of the anal sacs?
Deeper, malignant timors (Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma - AGASACA)