Dentition (Faux) Flashcards
Upper Dental Arcade
Incisive bone (incisors)
Maxilla (canines, premolars, molars)
premolars + molars = “cheek teeth” in LA
Lower dental arcade
mandible (incisors, canines, premolars, molars)
Each arcade is __?__, right to left, and each side is termed a __?__
Each arcade is symmetrical, right to left, and each side of both arcades are termed a quadrant
What is the dental formula?
an abbreviation representing which teeth are present; each species has their own unique formula
ID the dental surfaces:
1. Vestibular: labial vs buccal
2. Lingual
Mesial and Distal dental surfaces describe what?
the contact surface of a tooth (relative to another tooth, either rostral or caudal)
The surface of a tooth meeting another tooth in the opposite arcade = what surface? What happens at this surface?
Occlusal (or Masticatory) surface – where chewing or grinding occurs
NOT a contact surface!!
Carnivores ? their food; herbivores ? their food.
shear; grind
“Apical” directional term
toward the root
What is the hardest part of the tooth?
What is the calcified, middle layer of the tooth?
What provides a surface for the periodontal ligament to attach firmly to bone?
sf-most layer of root; is calcified; regenerative within alveolus
two set of teeth: deciduous and permanent
many mammals = diphyodonts
What age do equines typically lose their canines?
4-5 years old
Brachydont teeth
- short crown, long root
- entire crown erupts (“extends beyond” gingiva)
- dogs, cats, humans (b/c don’t eat particularly abrasive foods)
Hypsodont teeth
- long crown, short root, no real neck
- only small part of crown above gingiva
- horses
grass has granules in it that wear teeth down –> have a continually erupting (wearing-down) tooth -> once complete worn out (all of reserve crown is gone), then the tooth falls out/is lost
Which teeth are brachydont in…
- carnivores
- horses
- ruminants
- pigs
- carnivores = all
- horses = C & P
- ruminants = C & I
- pigs: I,M,P
all non-brachydont = hypsodont
Carnassial teeth function
pass each other like blades to chop things ingesta into swallowable pieces
Why can upper 4th P’s roots be problematic in dogs & cats?
tooth root abscesses
What teeth are single-root in carnivores?
Both dental arcades:
- All Incisors
- All Canines
- All 1st Premolars
= 101/201 through 105/205
Lower arcade:
- 3rd Molar = 310 & 410
What teeth are tri-rooted in carnivores?
ALL in upper arcade:
-08s through -10s
- Carnassial (4th P, 108 & 208)
- 1st & 2nd Molars (109, 110, 209, 210)
What teeth do ruminants lack?
Upper Is and upper Cs teeth
Incisiform canine in ruminants
Ruminants: LOWER canines that lie immediately adjacent to the latermost incisors, and have taken on the form and function of incisors (but are NOT actually incisor teeth)
gap b/w teeth (usually used to describe gap between the C/Is and the Ps)
What species has a complete, permanent dental formula?
3-1-4-3 / 3-1-4-3
3i, 1c, 4p, 3m
Cap: remnant of deciduous tooth covering occlusal surface of associated permanent tooth.
What is the best way to estimate age of a horse?
Via Tooth eruption, up to 5 years old
In horses, a large diastema is present b/w which teeth?
C & Ps
What is the wolf tooth in horses?
PM 1 = a brachydont premolar that erupts very early as a permanent tooth (is the first permanent maxillary PM) — 4.5 years old
1-4 arcade quadrants
Triadan System
Canine vs Feline Dental Formula + carnassial tooth
Dogs: [3142] / [3143]
Cats: [3131] / [3121]
Carnassial: 4th maxillary premolar, 1st mandibular molar
What teeth do cats not have that dogs do?
Maxillary: -05, -10
Mandibular: -05, -06, -10, -11