Gait Flashcards
-head arms and trunk: 75% of BW
-Head and ams: 25%
-Trunk: 50%
Tasks of Gait
- Maintain HAT
- Maintain balance/posture
- Control Feet
- Generate forward velocity
- Shock absorption to decrease velocity
1 Year Gait Development
-high guard
-foot flat
-more flexion
-wide BOS
1.5 Year Gait Development
-more natural gait
-heel strike and arm swing
2-3 Year Gait Development
-normal BOS
-can walk on tip toes or hop
7 Year Gait Development
Adolescents Year Gait Development
-gait stabilizes when growth stops
Normal Adult Gait
-smooth, energy efficinet, saggital torque, shift COP, arm swing
Gait Cycle
-Initial contact (Preswing): heel contact, flexion hip (20), ant pelvic rotation
-Loading response (pre- swing): weightshift, flexed knee (15), DF (7 lack of will show)
-Midstance (initial-mid Swing): Neutral hip
-Terminal Stance (Terminal Swing): extended hip (20), DF (10 at highest), mtp exetnsion
-Pre-Swing (Initial contact and loading response): extension, flexion (40), PF (15) (MTP 60 for windlass)
-Initial Swing (midstance): toe off, most knee flexion (60),
-Middle Swing (Midstance): most flexion (25)
-Terminal Swing (Terminal Swimg): right before initial contact
Double Limb Support
Single Limb Support
-running is 100%
Pelvis MMT During Gait
-4-8 deg ant/post
-5 deg sup/inf, 4-5cm
Step Length
-distance foot advances in relation to the other (heel to heel)
-18 inch norm
Stride Length
-distance from one foot back to the same foot
-Right heel to right heel
-3 ft norm
Step Width
-horizontal disrance between heels
-3.5 inches
-number of steps per min
-speed of walking
-1.2-1.37 m/s or 4
Center of Pressure in Feet
IC: heel
LR: mid foot
MS: lateral forefoot
TS: Medial toes
Ground Reaction Forces
IC: Ant to hip and knee, post to ankle
LR: Post to ankle and knee, ant to hip
MS: Ant to ankle and knee, post to hip
TS: Ant to ankle and knee, post to hip
PS: Post to hip and knee, an to ankle
Internal Moments
-counteract external forces
IC: ankle DF, hip ext, knee flex
LR: ankle DF, hip ext, knee ext
MS: ankle PF, hip flx, knee flex
TS: ankle PF, hip flx, knee flex
PS: ankle PF, hip flx, knee ext
O2 Consumption for Walking
-32% norm, 48% old or conditions
- Heel (IC)
- Ankle (LR)
- Foefoot (TS)
- Toes (PS)
UE Mmt During Walking
-shoudler 6 flx/ 24ext
-elbow flx: 20-45
Stair Gait
-64% stance, 36% swing`
Weight Acceptance (IC):
Pull Up (LR):
Forward Continuance (MS-PS):
Foot Clearance: Most knee flx (90-100)
Foot Placement: most hip flx (60)