Final Exam Flashcards
Coxofemoral Joint
-synovial, diarthrodial, ball and socket
-flx/ext, ab/ad, IR/ER
-weight bearing and support
-fuse ilium, ischium, pubis
-50 deg inferior and 20 deg anterior
-luneate surface: hyaline cartilage articulating with femur
-acetabular notch + transverse acetabular lig: creates tunnel for BVs
-Acetabular fossa: deepest, does not touch femur
Acetabular Dysplasia
shallow acetabulum, prone to instability
Coxa Profunda
over coverage of acetabulum leading to impingement
-more than 20 deg
-positioned more ant
-less than 20 deg
-positioned more post
-over coverage`
Center Edge Angle
-coverage of the femortal head by acetabulum
-lat rim of acetabulu, to center of femoral head
-Norm: 22-50
<20: acetabular dysplagia
>50: pincer- type impingement
Acatabular Inclination
-measure of debth
-line parallel to teardrops to lat acetabulum
Norm: 32-45
> acetabular inclination
Acetabular Labrum
-ring of fibrocartilage; blends with acetabular lig
-deepens socket
-negative pressurre
-proprioceptive nerves
Femoral Head
-hyaline cartilage
-medial, superiorly, anteriorly
-lig teres attached to foeva
Angle of Inclination
-frontal plane measurement, smaller in women, greater during childhood
Norm: 125
> 125: Coxa valga: straighter in relation to shaft, less shear on neck, decreases MA of abductors, decreases coverage of acetabulum, associated with genu varum (kids with CP and spasticity have valgum)
<125: Coxa Vara: increased stability and MA, increased shearing forces on neck, associated with genu valgum and SCFE
Angle of Torsion
-transverse plane measurement
-axis through head and neck and femoral condyles
Norm: 10-20deg
Anteversion: >15-20; increased internal rotation to compensate, decreased stability; toe in
Restroversion: < 10-15; increased external to compensate rotation; toe out
Most Congruence
-flexion, ab, slight ER
Joint Capsule Hip
-irregular; dense fibrous tissue
-retinacular fibers: carry BVs
-Femoral neck is intracapsular
-Trochanters are extracapsular
Hip Bursae
-trochanteric, reduce friction btwn post facet, glut max, IITB and greater troch
-glut med bursa
-iliopsoas bursa
Ligamentum Teres:
-ligament of the head of the femur
-reisits rotation in 90 deg of flexion
-intrarticular but extrasynovial
-attaches from acetabular notch, transverse acetabular lig, to fovea
-secondary blood supply (avascular necrosis)
Iliofemoral Lig:
-Y lig
-ASIS to intertrochanteric line
-anterior stability
-reists ER
Pubofemoral Lig:
-pubis to iliopectineal eminence
-supports inferior femoral neck
-resists ER in Ext
Ischiofemoral Lig:
-posterior acetabulum and labrum to greater troch
-resist IR
Capsuligamentous Tension Hip
Close packed: ext, abd, IR
Loose packed: flx, abd, mid-rotation
-ligs taut in ext
-capsule and ligs suport 2/3 body weight w/o muscles
-LoG is post to hip, slight ext
-most vulnerable to post dislocation in flx and abd
Bony Architecture (forces)
-trabeculae line up along stress lines
-weightbearing stress passes from SI to acetabulum
-femoral head transfers forces to shaft, bending the neck (superior tensile forces and inferior compressive forces)
-Head, arms and trunk create shearing forces with ground reaction forces
Trabeculae Systems
-Superior to inferior
-reissts vertical compressive forces
-Lateral to medial
-resists shear forces of HAT and GRF
Zone of weakness:
-lateral and superior to lesser trocanter
Joint Pressures
-peak pressure in single limb stances on superior acetabulum
-smaller area in women = higher peak stress
-greatest prevalance of degeneration
Femur on Acetabulum Kinematics
-convex on concave
Flx: head spins posteriorly
ext: head spins anteriorly
Abd: head rolls superior, glides inferiorly
Add: head rolls inferior, glides superiorly
IR: head rolls anterior; glide posterior
ER: head rolls posterior; glide anterior
Flexion: 90 w/ ext and 120 w/ flx
Extension: 10-30
Abduction: 45-50
Adduction: 20-30
IR & ER: 40-50
Normal Hip Gait ROM Requirements
flx: 30
ext: 10
Ab/ad: 5
IR/ER: 5
Hip Flx for stairs: 60 degrees
Pelvis on Femur
-concave on convex
Anterior Pelvic Tilt: hip Flex
Posterior pelvic tilt: hip ext
Lateral Pelvic Tilt: ABd or ADD
-opposite pelvic hike= stance hip ABD
-Opposite pelvic drop= stance hip ADD
Lateral Pelvic Shift: ADD on shift side, ABD on opposite
Forward Rotation: NWB pelvis moves anteriorly, WB moves IR
Backward Rotation: NWB pelvis moves posteriorly, WB moves ER
Pelvifemoral Motion Couples
Forward Bending: spinal flx, APT, hi flx
Sidlying Leg lift: hip abd, LPT, lumbar sine bend
Hip Flexors
-bring swing limb forward
-resist extension
-iliopsoas, rec fem, TFL, Sartorius
Hip Adductors
-stabilize hip in standing
-flex hip from extension
-extend from flexed
-pectineus: resist flx and abd
-add brev, long, mag
-gracilis: add and IR of tibia
Hip Extensors
-glute max (best MA when hip flexed 70)
-hamstrings (least MA when knee flex >90)
Assissted by: pos glute med, piriformis, post add mag
Hip Abductors
-counteract adds
Glute med
-abd in all positions
-ant flx, IR
-post ext, ER
-hip flx all IR
GLute min:
-abd and flx
-capsular tightening
Assisted by:
-glute max, sartorius
Hip External Rotators
-ob internus and externus (decreased MA with hip flx, always ER)
-quad femoris (ER always)
-piriformis (hip flx, IR)
Hip Internal Rotators
-no primary
Assissted by: ant glute med and min, tfl, adductors
Hip in Bilateral Stance
-BW distributed equally
-1/2 HAT throough pelvis and femoral head
-LOG creates extensor
-class 1 lever
Hip in Unilateral Stance
-stance hip supports compression for HAT and opp leg and abductors
-2-3x BW
Reduction of forces:
-lat lean of trunk tooward stance dec MA
-cane ipsi transfers forces
-cane contra releaves body weight forces and assist abductors
Coxa Valga
-greater angle of inclination >125
-dec MA of abd
-increase dislocation
-genu varum
Coxa Varum
-lesser angle of inclination <125
-inc MA of Abd
-improved congruence
-more stress on neck
-genu valgum
-greater torsion than normal >20
-more joint pressure
-less stability
-dec MA of abd
-head more anterior
-more IR, toe in
-lesser torsion than normal <10
-head more posterior
-more ER, toe out
Femoral Acetabular Impingement
-bony overgrowth on femur and acetabulum
-can lead to labral tears
s/s: groin pain, dull aching, stiffness
CAM: head and neck, athletes, pistol grip
Pincer: pelvis and acetabulum, females
Hip Labral Tear
-increased probability with dec center edge angle, retroversion, coxa vara
s/s: sharp ant pain, clicking, stiffness
-slipped capital femoral eiphysis
-epiphysis slips down and back
-klein’s line
-drehmann sign (hip flx with ER)
-leg length diff
-Glute max paralysis with thoracic kyphosis
-pos pelvic tilt
-LOG behind greater troch
Growth Plates
Femoral head/neck: 18
G troch: 18
Lesser troch: 18
Distal femur: 20
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
-tight errectors and hip flexors
-weak glutes and abs
-increased hip flx
-lumbar lordosis
-LOG ant to hip
Posterior Pelvic Tilt
-weak errectors and hip flexors
-tight glutes and abs
2 Joints of the Knee
Tibiofemoral joint
-distal femur and prox tibia
-double condyloid
-flx/ext, IR/ER, ABd/ADD
Patellofemoral joint
-distal femur and patella
Tibiofemoral Joint
-medial tibial more anterior and longer
-separated by intercondylar notch
weightbearing through center of knee
Genu valgum: <175
Genu varum: >185
Medial: c shaped, restricted, more attachments
Lateral: circular, more mmt, popliteus, covers more surface
-Post deformation with flx
-ant deformation with ext
-outer more vascularized
-inner gets nutrition from difussion
Joint Capsule of the Knee
-close packed: full extension
-Posterior boarder: condyles, intercondylar notch
-Anterior boarder: quad tendon, patella, patellar lig, extensor mechanism
-Extensor Mechanism: medial and lateral retinaculum
-Synovial Layer
-Fibrous Layer
Synovial Layer
Extrasynovia but intracapsular: ACL and PCl, fat pads
-Bursae: invaginatons of synovium
Plica: folds of membrane, loose tissue
-not in everyone
-plica syndrome (inflammed)
-medial less common, source of pain
Fibrous Layer
-Medial patellofemoral lig: thickest band in med retinaculum, stabilized patella in femoral sulcus, blends with MCL
-Lateral patellofemoral lig: ITTB to lateral patella
-medial femoral condyle to medial tibia and med meniscus
-resist valgus and tibial ER
-lateral femoral epicondyle to fibular head with bicep fem tendon
-resistt varus and ER
-posteromedial aspect of lat femoral condyle to anterolateral aspect of medial intercondylar tibial notch
-taugh in CC flx
-anteromedial (taught in >15 flx) and posterolateral (taught in ext) bundles
-ACL retrains quads anterior shear on tibia
ACL Injury
-coconttraction ofo hamstrings and quads allow hammies to counter anterior translation from quads
-soleus can resist ant translation of tibia in closed chain
-anterolateral aspect of med femoral condyle to posterior aspect of intercondylar tibial notch
-taut in CC ext
-bigger than ACL
-posteromedial (taught in ext) and anterolateral (taught in 80 flx) bundles
-restains posterior translation of tibia (knee flexed too)
Posterior Capsule
-reinforced by politeus, semimembranosus and LCL
-Oblique popliteal lig: expansion of semimembranosus
-Posterior Oblique lig: taught in ext, reisist varus/valgus
-Arcuate lig: taught in ext, reisist varus/valgus
-extension of TFL and glute max to gerdy’s tub
-inc lat stability
-compresses or rolls during flx/ext