Classify Elimination disorders.
- Enuresis
- nocturnal only
Classify Elimination disorders.
1. Enuresis
- nocturnal only
- diurnal only
- nocturnal and diurnal
2. Encopresis
- with constipation and overflow incontinence
- without constipation and overflow incontinence
Dx Criteria.
A. Repeated voiding of urine into bed or clothes
B. Occur at least 2 times per week for 3 consecutive months
C. Child must be at least 5 years of age
D. Impairment seen to limit child’s social activities or affect the child’s self-esteem
Classification of enuresis.
Primary enuresis - continence was never achieved
Secondary enuresis - continence was achieved and then lost.
What are the specifiers of Enuresis?
- Nocturnal only (while sleeping)
- Diurnal only (while awake)
- Nocturnal and Diurnal
What re the differential diagnoses for enuresis?
- DM
- Diabetes insipidus
- Urethritis
- Seizure disorder
- Sickle cell disorder
- Spina bifida
- Genitourinary malformation
- Neurological bladder
- Obstructive sleep apnea
-Neurodevelopmental disorder
Epidemiology of enuresis.
Etiological factors of enuresis.
How do you manage Enuresis?
- Anxiety reduction - positive feedback and reinforcement from parents, No punishment
- Strengthen bladder outlet valve - Kegal exercises
- Conditioning waking up with full bladder - Urine alarm therapy and dry bed training
Medications - Imipramine -(TCA) which relaxes the detrusor muscle - decreases enuretic episodes
- Vasopressin
What is the disadvantage of using Imipramine or other medications to treat enuresis?
Enuresis may return after stopping the medications.
What id the diagnosis criteria of Encopresis?
A. Repeated passage of feces into inappropriate places such as clothing or the floor, whether involuntary or intentional
B. At least one such event each month for 3 consecutive months
C. Individual must be at least 4 years of age
D. The behavior is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or another medical condition except through the mechanism of constipation.
Epidemiology of Encopresis.
Etiological factors of Encopresis.
What are the specifiers of encopresis?
- Encopresis with constipation and overflow incontinence.
- Encopresis without constipation and overflow incontinence.
How do you manage encopresis?
- Empty bladder - laxatives
- Acquire normal bowel habit - high fibre diet
- plenty of oral fluids
- pre and pro-biotics - Biofeedback - keep bowel diary
- toilet training 3-4 times every day, following meals or after arriving from school. - Improvement of parent-child relationship - positive feedback and reinforcement from parents
- No punishment (reduces anxiety)
Healthy Toilet training.