Fyrsta progress Flashcards
An aircraft turns right from 270° to 360° at 48°S using the DRMC. What heading should the aircraft roll out on:
a. 010°
b. 350°
c. 340°
d. 020°
d. 020°
When accelerating on a westerly heading in the Northern Hemisphere, the magnet assembly of a direct reading magnetic compass, when viewed from above, will: turn clockwise/anticlockwise indicating an apparent turn towards the ___.
anti-clockwise, north
A line connecting points of zero variation is called
___ Line
What has ICAO adopted as the standard geoid for mapping and position definition?
WGS __
Hvað eru quadrantal points?
Which is the primary direction from which all others follow?
a) north
b) east
b) east
At what latitude does the maximum difference between geodetic and geocentric latitude occur?
A Graticule is the name given to:
a. A series of Latitude and Longitude lines drawn on a chart or map
b. A series of lines drawn on a chart
c. A selection of small circles approaching either pole
d. Meridians
a. A series of Latitude and Longitude lines drawn on a chart or map
hvað er semi great circle?
Það er bara great circle sem nær frá suðri til norðurs, þ.e. ekki 360° heldur 180°
A circle on the surface of the earth whose centre and
radius are those of the earth itself is called ____
a Great Circle
A circle on the surface of the earth whose centre and
radius are not those of the earth is called a ___.
Small Circle
The network formed on a map or the surface of a globe by the Prime Meridian, the meridians, the Equator and the parallels of latitude is called the ___.
The maximum difference between Geocentric and
Geodetic Latitudes occurs at approx __°N/S
Tropic of cancer er í _°
Hvað eru mörg feets í 1 NM?
Rhumbline/great circle is convex to the equator.
Convex þýðir að beygja eitthvað sveigja eitthvað niðurávið? Rhumbline væri concave to the nearer pole.
One minute of latitude = _ NM
One degree of latitude væri 60 minutes/60NM
(at equator)
Distance between equator and poles is __ NM
5400 NM
Circumference of earth is __ NM
The sensitivity of a direct reading magnetic compass is: proportional to the ___ component of the Earth’s magnetic field
Hvernig reiknar þú crosswind factor?
sin(angle) * windspeed
T.d. væri runway 26, wind 190/15:
sin(260-190)*15 = 14 kts
Ef heading er hærra value en track þá er WCA plús eða mínus?
plús held ég
Hvort er heading eða track með WCA faktor inniföldum (stokkadæmi)?
heading er með WCA inniföldum.
þeas ef WCA er hægra megin í stokkinum (+) þá er þetta track + wca = heading og ef vinstra megin þá track - wca = heading
track +/- wca = __.
Vindastokkur: Ef þú veist ekki vindinn og ætlar að finna hann þá byrjar þú á að setja hvað í gatið?
Hvernig er angle of dip at the equator?
The Earth is:
a. A sphere whose centre is equidistant from the Poles and the equator
d. Considered to be a perfect sphere as far as navigation is concerned
d. Considered to be a perfect sphere as far as navigation is concerned
Concerning the Earth’s Magnetic Field:
b. It may be temporary, transient or permanent
c. It acts as though there is a large ‘blue’ magnetic pole in Northern Canada
c. It acts as though there is a large ‘blue’ magnetic pole in Northern Canada.
The value of magnetic variation has a maximum value of __°.
The lines on a chart joining places of equal magnetic dip are called ____.
Iso= sama
Variation is the angle between
magnetic north and true north
The circumference of earth is ___ NM
21,600 NM
The agonic line follows two separate paths out of the North Magnetic Pole: one currently running through ___, the other through the USA
Western Europe
Er “the mean sun” travelling along the ecliptic eða celestial equator, at uniform speed?
celestial equator
Hvort er það á equinox eða solstice sem “rate of change of the declination of the sun” er að breytast á mestum hraða?
equinox, spring og autumn equinox.
What is the aproximate compression of the earth?
a) 0.03%
b) 0.3%
b) 0.3%
The definition of magnetic variation is the angle between..
Magnetic north and true north
If variation is west then
a) True north is east of magnetic north
b) magnetic north is west of compass north
a) True north is east of magnetic north
Aircraft magnetism caused by vertical SOFT iron varies/does not vary with latitude and/or heading?
Only varies with magnetic latitude, not with heading.
Does aircraft magnetism caused by hard iron vary directly with magnetic latitude?
Varðandi Compass; Deviation due to coefficient A is mainly caused by a misaligned ___ ___.
lubber line
Hvernig er formúlan fyrir density altitude?
Pressure altitude + (ISA dev * 120)
Ef þú hefur indicated altitude, hvernig finnur þú true altitude?
Indicated altitude + (indicated altitude * 0.004 * ISA dev)
Þú hefur static air temperature og indicated altitude. Getur þú notað indicated altitude til að að reikna út ISA eða þarftu pressure altitude?
Held að ISA miðist við PA en þú getur notað indicated (allavega í dæmum í bókinni).
Hvernig reiknar þú headwind component?
cos(wind angle - track angle) * windspeed
Hvað/hverjir gefa þér wind í magnetic?
ATC og ATIS. Getur munað þetta þannig að ef þú ert í loftinu þá notar þú ATIS og ATC… allt annað er gefið í true.
Forecast wind er gefinn í true/magnetic?
true. T.d. er TAF og METAR gefinn í true.
The symbol for a CTR on an aeronautical chart is:
a. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d. _______________________________
c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The chart symbol for the boundary of advisory airspace is:
a. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
b. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
d. _____________________
a. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
What is the convergence between E175° and W173° on the equator and the north pole?
a. 12° and 12°
b. 0° and 12°
c. 6° on both
d. 12° and 0°
b. 0° and 12°