Charts Flashcards
A chart is conformal when the meridians and parallels of latitude intersect at __ __ and when the scale from any selected point is different/the same in all direction.
right angles
Large scale
a) Covers large area in bad detail
b) Covers small area in good detail
b) Covers small area in good detail
On a polar stereographic projection of the Northern Polar area, the scale reaches it’s maximum/minimum value at the North Pole.
On a Lambert conformal conic chart, convergence is most accurately represented at
a) the parallel of origin
b) standard parallels
a) the parallel of origin
How does scale vary in a Mercator chart?
Increases with increasing distance from the equator
The angular difference between the initial true track and the final true track of the line is equal to the..
chart convergence
A mercator chart is based on a ___ projection
What chart is mathemetically produced?
The scale of a Mercator chart varies as 1 / ___
On a Lambert conformal conic, the convergence of the meridians is the same as ___ convergency at the parallel of the origin.
In a stereographical projection, the plane surface touches the ___ earth at one of the poles.
In producing chart projections, the following projection surfaces may be used: ___, ___ and ___.
plane, cylinder, cone
North or South Poles cannot be represented on a ___ Mercator.
On a Lambert conformal conic, distance between parallels of latitude spaced the same number of degrees apart [expands/reduces] between, and [expands/reduces] outside the standard parallels.
reduces, expands
In a Lambert chart, how does convergence change with latitude?
It does not
On which chart projections is it not possible to represent North or South poles?
a) Polar stereographic
b) Direct mercator
b) Direct mercator
How does chart convergency change with Lambert conformal projection?
a) constant and does not change with latitude
b) it increases with increase in latitude
a) constant and does not change with latitude
Earth has been charted using
a) WGS84
b) WGP84
a) WGS84
Parallel of origin of a conformal chart is the parallel at which the scale reaches its minimum/maximum value
On a conformal chart, scale is constant along a ___ __ ____.
parallel of latitude
In a Lambert chart, how is scale along a parallel of latitude?
Ekki constant along longitude held ég, þá er minimum at parallel of origin.
On an aeronautical chart it is common that
a) isoclinals are printed on the chart
b) the exact scale vary within the chart
b) the exact scale vary within the chart
Polar stereographic projection is a p___ projection
Where on a direct mercator projection is the chart convergence correct compared to the earth convergence?
a) at the poles
b) parallel of longitude
c) at the equator
c) at the equator
The parallels on a Lambert conformal conic chart are represented by
a) hyperbolic lines b) arcs of concentric circles
b) arcs of concentric circles
On a direct Mercator chart, meridians are:
a) parallel, equally spaced, vertical straight lines
b) incllined, unequally spaced, curved lines that meet at the nearer pole
a) parallel, equally spaced, vertical straight lines
What shape does a rhumb line have in a Mercator chart?
A er á 10°W en B er á 0°W, what is the true bearing of point A from point B?
Ef þú ert að skoða kort með t.d. VOR og NDB stöðvum (blátt) og þú átt að teikna inn radíal, hvernig geturðu notað flaggið sem stendur við stöðina?
Flaggið bendir á magnetic north, ef flagg er t.d. í 360° og þú mælir 20° til vinstri út frá því þá veistu að það er radíal 330°.
An aeronautical chart is conformal when:
a) At any point the scale over a short distance in the direction of the parallel is equal to the scale in the direction of the meridian and the meridians are perpendicular to the parallels.
b) the meridians and parallels are perpendicular to each other.
a) At any point the scale over a short distance in the direction of the parallel is equal to the scale in the direction of the meridian and the meridians are perpendicular to the parallels.
Hvernig myndir þú reikna “constant of the cone” ef þú færð gefið að um sé að ræða Lambert conic projection whose standard parallels are at 50°N and 70°N?
tekur meðaltalið 60°N og tekur sin af því og færð 0.866
“Scale is correct at at equator”
a) Mercator
b) Polar stereographic
c) Lambert
a) Mercator
“Scale is correct at standard parallels”
a) Mercator
b) Polar stereographic
c) Lambert
c) Lambert
Hvar er scale correct í Polar stereographic?
Hvaða orði myndir þú leita að sem væri rétt varðandi oblique Mercator?
“great circle”, það er nefnt í nærri öllum réttum svörum.
Ef þú ert spurður hvort einhver kortategund sé “orthomorph”, hvað er rétt?
Væntanlega “já” því öll kort sem eru notuð í flugi eru “orthomorph”.
Parallels in a Mercator: Increasing spacing as the ___ of latitude.
The shapes in a Polar stereographic: Becomes more distorted as the distance increases from ____.
the pole
Hvar er convergence zero?
a) Mercator
b) Polar stereographic
c) Lambert
a) Mercator
"Chart convergence = ch long * sin parallel of origin" Þetta á við um í: a) Mercator b) Polar stereographic c) Lambert
c) Lambert
"Convergence is correct at pole. Constant across chart. Chart convergence = change of longitude." Þetta á við um: a) Mercator b) Polar stereographic c) Lambert
b) Polar stereographic
Hvar eru rhumb lines concave to the pole og hvar straight?
a) Mercator
b) Polar stereographic
c) Lambert
Mercator = straight
stereographic og lamber eru með rhumb lines concave to the pole.
Great circles í Mercator:
a) Concave to the equator
b) Concave to the parallel of origin (but considered straight in navigation)
c) Concave to pole but with less curvature than Rhumb lines. Becomes straighter nearer pole and considered straight lines above 70°.
a) Concave to the equator
Great circles í Lambert
a) Concave to the equator
b) Concave to the parallel of origin (but considered straight in navigation)
c) Concave to pole but with less curvature than Rhumb lines. Becomes straighter nearer pole and considered straight lines above 70°.
b) Concave to the parallel of origin (but considered straight in navigation)
Great circles í Polar stereographic
a) Concave to the equator
b) Concave to the parallel of origin (but considered straight in navigation)
c) Concave to pole but with less curvature than Rhumb lines. Becomes straighter nearer pole and considered straight lines above 70°.
c) Concave to pole but with less curvature than Rhumb lines. Becomes straighter nearer pole and considered straight lines above 70°.
Hvað er annað orð yfir QDR frá NAVAID?
In transverse Mercator, scale is correct along ____ ____ of tangency.
great circle
Hvað þýðir eiginlega “NDB on the RMI reads 090”?
MB to the station
Is relief sometimes portrayed by colours?
According to ICAO Annex 4, what kind of colour should contour lines on aeronautical charts have?
a) blue b) red c) brown d) black
c) brown
Contour lines on aeronautical maps and charts connect points having the same…
elevation above sea level