Basic navigation - AE Flashcards
Hvað er aphelion?
Þar sem jörðin er fjærst sólu á sporbaug sínum.
The apparent sun is always in the plane of the ___.
Hvað er Perihelion?
Þar sem jörðin er næst sólu á sporbaug sínum. Hér er jörðin á mestum hraða í sporbaugnum.
At mid-latitudes where is the relationship between length of day and night as well as rate of change of declination of sun, chaning at the greatest rate?
Spring equinox and autumn equinox
Hvað er ecliptic? The ___ apparent path of the __ around the ___.
yearly, sun, earth.
Hvernig finnur þú distance á milli longitude?
1° longitude er 60 minutes. Svo segir þú distance = change in longitude in minutes * cos(latitude)
True direction at the vertex of a great circle is always _° or _°.
90° or 270°
A meridian and it’s anti meridian form a complete __ ___.
great circle
Latitude may be defined as the angular ___ measured along a meridian from the equator to a parallel of the ___.
distance, latitude
Hvað er annað nafn yfir Orthodromic line?
Great circle line
The poles are the points of intersection between the earth’s ___ and the surface of the earth
The compression factor of the earth is so small that it may be ignored when making ordinary maps and charts. It is about 1:X.
Hver er formúla convergence?
Convergence = dlong * sin(mean lat)
dlong: degrees longitude
Hver er formúla departure
departure = cos(lat) * minutes
Hvað reiknar convergence?
Hvað great circle track sveigist mikið út frá braut. T.d. væri convergence 10° að þýða að í upphafi ferðar myndi leiðin sveigjast 5° að pól og svo sveigjast 5° til baka seinni hluta ferðarinnar. (5° væri þá svokallað convergence angle).
Hvað reiknar departure?
Departure reiknar vegalengd á milli tveggja meridians.
Ef þú vilt fljúga constant true track, hvernig leið/track þarftu að velja?
The earth may be referred to as
a) elliptical
b) an oblate spheroid
b) an oblate spheroid
The sun is _ minutes to travel 1°
Which is more accurate, UTC or GMT?
_____ causes the sunrise to occur earlier and the sunset to occur later.
atmospheric refraction
A day is __ successive transits of a heavenly body
The time interval between sunrise and sunset is dependent on the __ of the sun and the __ of the observer
declenation, latitude
Hvort er lengra twilight at high latitudes eða low latitudes?
high latitudes
sums staðar er standard time listaður sem UTC+13 í stað UTC-11. Ástæðan er:
a) keeping the same date as the political and or economical entity to which they belong
b) The fact that they are keeping daylight saving time
a) keeping the same date as the political and or economical entity to which they belong
Civil twilight is the time between sunset and when the centre of the sun is _° below the true horizon.
Hvað er “Grivation”?
Sum of Grid convergence og variation
Hver er formúla dip angle?
Hvað heitir línan sem tengir saman punkta með sama variation?
Hvað kallast lína sem tengir saman staði með ekkert variation?
Agonic line
hvað er The Aclinic?
Magnetic equator or the line of 0° dip
Hvað kallast the angle between true north and magnetic north?
Hvað gerist fyrir inclination og vertical component of field þegar þú færir þig nær pól?
aukast bæði
Hver er formúla fyrir strength of terrestrial magnetic field?
strength = Tesla * cos(dip)
dip: inclination
Hvar er mesta directive force?
magnetic equator
Nefndu þrjá þætti sem hafa áhrif á deviation
- magnetic latitude
- aircraft heading
- aircraft electronic equipment
Grid lines placed over a polar stereographic chart are all ___ to the reference meridian
When a magnetized compass needle is freely suspended in the earth’s magnetic field and affected by extraneous magnetic influence it will align itself with
a) magnetic north
b) compass north
b) compass north
Hvað er agonic line?
Connects points with zero variation
Deviation er gefin upp sem +3, er hún easterly/westerly og positive/negative? Hvernig myndir þú plögga þessu inn í TVMDC?
positive easterly, myndir setja sem mínus í formúluna.
Lines of zero dip are called ___ lines
Hvort er blue pole norður eða suðurpóllinn?
Hvaða leið hefur constant direction á grid korti?
Great circle
Hvað eru lines that connect places with the same grivation?
Deviation changes with heading because the undesired magnetic pole is moved relative to the direction of the earth’s ___ ____.
magnetic field
The force acting on the needle of a direct reading compass varies directly/inversely with the horizontal/vertical component of the earth’s magnetic field.
directly, horizontal
Hvað gerist fyrir true heading 100° ef þú ert með 9L WCA?
The compass needle determines the direction of the ___ component of the earth’s magnetic field
Near the magnetic pole the ___ component of the earth’s magnetic field is too small to permit the use of a magnetic compass
The difference in direction between grid north and true north is called..
Grid convergence
Deviation applied to magnetic headings gives ___ heading
The magnetic meridian in a position is the ___ direction of the earth’s magnetic field in that position, toward the magnetic north pole.
Magnetic variation is ___° max
A negative (westerly) magnetic variation signifies that ___ north is to the __ of magnetic north
true, east
magnetic, west
Magnetic north pole færist 1° á _ árum
____ begins when the centre of the sun is 6° below the celestial horizon.
Morning civil twilight
Hvað gerist ef þú krossar “international date line” on a westerly heading?
date will increase = you lose one day
Það að hoppa yfir einn dag (date increases) er það sama og að missa einn dag.
The reason that the solar day lasts longer than the sidereal day is that both the direction of rotation of the earth around its axis and its orbital ____ around the sun are the same.
Close to the ___ the influence of latitude on the duration of daylight is at its smallest
Morning civil twilight is
a) the period when the sun in the morning, has its centre between 6° under the horizon and the horizon
b) morning civil twilight is the period in the morning from the centre of the sun is 6° below the horizon until the upper limb of the sun appears at the horizon.
b) morning civil twilight is the period in the morning from the centre of the sun is 6° below the horizon until the upper limb of the sun appears at the horizon.
____ is the time enforced by the legal authority to be used in a country or an area.
standard time
28 júní varðandi sólarljós kallast __ ___ og er týpískt sunrise at _°N 02:39 og sunset 21:27. Fyrir ofan _°N þá myndi sólin ekki setjast at all.
summer solstice, 60° (þetta þarf ekki að vera nákvæmt), 66.5°N. Aðalatriðið í svarinu er bara að vita að í summer solstice er sólin að setjast mjög seint og rísa snemma at high latitude og í 66.5°N og ofar, sest hún ekki.
Tíminn í Air Almanac er gefinn í
a) ST
b) LMT
c) UTC
b) LMT
When the length of the day is measured with the passage of the apparent sun:
a) The length of the day varies with the course of the year
b) the length of day varies with the latitude of the observer
a) The length of the day varies with the course of the year
In 21st November, the time difference in local mean time between sunset at a position at the NH vs SH (both are at the same meridian) is a few hours and the sun rises earlier in northern hemisphere/southern hemisphere?
southern hemisphere
A compass swing is performed in order to correct for
A compass swing is used to align ____ and ____.
compass north, magnetic north
must an aircraft compass be swung after if the aircraft has been subjected to hammering?
As latitude increases, deviation due to aircraft magnetism increases because Z/T/H is reducing and Z/T/H increasing
H, Z
Deviation on a standby compass is dependent on ___ of the aircraft