Furcations Flashcards
Through and Through furcation
Class III
Complete loss of interradicular bone.
Class III furcation
Loss of interradicular bone less than or equal to 1/3.
Class I furcation
Loss of interradicular bone greater than 1/3.
Class II furcation.
Complete loss of interradicular bone.
Class III furcation.
“Through and Through.”
Do you go by radiographic or clinical furcations?
RADIOGRAPH bc they show the bone height.
Type of furcation where you can clinically feel the roots diverge.
Class I
See radiolucent black spots in the furcation area in this class of furcation.
Area extending from the CEJ to furcation.
Root trunk
How does the width of the root trunk affect progression and prognosis of furcation involvements?
The wider the root trunk, the better the prognosis because CT attaches to cementum (which is on the root trunk), and bone follows.
Enamel projections may cause a patient to have furcation involvement.
Better prognosis for fused or separated roots?
The longer the root trunk, the more of this.
CT attachment
Roots that are fused or close together are difficult to treat.
Cervical enamel projections are a risk factor for developing _________ on molar teeth.