Fundamentals of Flight (TC 3-04.4) Flashcards
Bucket Speed
Best airspeed range for maneuvering, providing the largest power margin
Transient Torque
Forward flight aerodynamic phenomena where left cyclic temporarily increases torque & right cyclic decrease torque
Temporary stall condition due to a sudden up flow condition in the main rotor
Retreating Blade Stall
With increased airspeed, no lift areas of the retreating blade grow until the blade tip stalls due to excessive AOA demand
B/C of the increased compressibility of air when at or near the speed of sound, on increase of drag & rearward shift of the center of pressure occur when high airspeed, high Nr, high gwt, high da, low temp
What is IR Crossover?
The time of day when soil, water, and concrete thermal radiation are nearly equal
Parallax Effect?
-MPNVS due to the relative between the FLIR sensor and the HDU
-MPNVS turret is located approximately 10 ft fwd and 3 ft below the aviator’s eye position
Binocular Rivalry?
-The competition between the MPNVS aided eye and an unaided eye
- Undirected attention shift of an aviator’s desired visual reference point (HDU display) to an undesired point or scene, or vice versa.
Variables that affect ability of to see with FLIR?
-IR Crossover
-FLIR sensor optimization
-Aviator’s proficiency and capabilities
What is the Lift equation?
Coefficient of Lift * Density of Air * Surface Area * Airspeed = Lift Force
Types of Drag?
Translating Tendency?
During Hovering flight, the counterclockwise rotating, single-rotor helicopter has a tendency to drift laterally to the right
No Lift Areas?
-Reverse Flow
-Negative Stall
-Negative Lift
Dissymmetry of Lift?
Unequal lift area across the rotor disk resulting from the difference in the velocity of air over the advancing blade half and the velocity of air over the retreating blade half of the rotor disk area
Translational Lift?
- Improved rotor efficiency resulting from directional flight