Functionalist Perspective of C&D Flashcards
who are the three main functionalist CD theorists
what does Durkheim argue about crime(3)
-it is inevitable, normal and necessary
-it is due to differential socialisation
-there is an optimal level of crime
what does Durkheim argue to be the functions of CD (3)
-boundary maintenance
-social integration
-generating social change
explain Durkheim’s theory of boundary maintenance as a function of CD and give an example
-establishes and reaffirms value consensus eg through media
-eg Shannon Matthews case
explain Durkheim’s theory of social integration as a function of CD
-crime unites society and creates social cohesion/ solidarity
explain Durkheim’s theory of generating social change as a function of CD and give an example
-criminals test boundaries and challenge traditional norms and legitimises social change
-eg homosexuality
evaluate Durkheim’s theory of CD (4)
-lacks empirical basis/evidence
-how do you measure optimal rate of crime
-crime is not beneficial to victims
-does not explain why certain crime is committed and over values laws
what does Durkheim argue about the optimal level of crime
-too little = stagnation
-too much = chaos
what is Merton’s theory on CD
strain theory and 5 methods of adaptation
what does Merton argue strain is
-dominant culture dictates that hard workers will be rewarded however this is not possible for everyone so strain is felt and crime is caused
what are the 5 ways people adapt to strain
explain what is meant by conformity in Merton’s 5 adaptations to strain theory
-pursuing socially acceptable goals through socially acceptable means
explain what is meant by innovation in Merton’s 5 adaptations to strain theory
-pursuing socially acceptable goals through not socially acceptable means
explain what is meant by ritualism in Merton’s 5 adaptations to strain theory
-pursuing modest goals through socially acceptable means
explain what is meant by retreatism in Merton’s 5 adaptations to strain theory
-rejection of socially acceptable goals and means
explain what is meant by rebellion in Merton’s 5 adaptations to strain theory
-rejection and replacement of socially acceptable goals and means
how did Merton develop his theory
-from observation from official statistics showing higher proportion of crime in lower classes
evaluate Mertons strain theory (3)
-not all w/c turn to crime
-underestimates m/c white collar crime
-doesnt explain violent/ non utilitarian crime
what is Hirshi’s theory of CD
-social control theory
explain Hirshi’s social control theory
-crime results from individual’s bonds of attachment to society are weakened
what are Hirshi’s four bonds of attachment
what is the typical delinquent according to Hirschi
-young single unemployed male
-truancy indicates low social attachment
which other theorist supports Hirshi’s bonds of attachment theory and why
Murray/ New Right are critical of single parent families
eg lads need dads campaign
evaluate Hirschi’s social control theory (4)
-ignored white collar crime
-Marxism argues this is victim blaming
-Interactionists argue that m/c are under represented in statistics
-single parent households are capable socialisers