Fuel System Flashcards
What is the total fuel capacity of the GIV, GIV-SP and G400 aircraft?
29,500 lbs, however any level without exceeding maximum ramp weight or any other limitation is acceptable
What is the total fuel capacity of the G300 aircraft?
26,900 lbs, however any level without exceeding maximum ramp weight or any other limitation is acceptable
What is the maximum capacity of each fuel hopper tank?
190 gallons (Approximately 1270 lbs)
When a fire handle is pulled, where is the fuel shut off?
At the tank (engine fuel feed shutoff valve)
How is pressure fueling terminated from the flight deck?
By selecting the left and right remote fueling shutoff switches to CLOSED
Where is the amber “FUEL LEVEL LOW” indication displayed?
- On the CAS
- Standby fuel quantity indicator will display “LOW FUEL”
What is boost pump auto change?
If one pump on either side is selected “OFF” and the operating pump fails, the Selected Off Pump will automatically turn on.
The corrective action is to match the switches to the condition.
What malfunctions or actions might cause a red “FUEL PRESS LOW” CAS message to illuminate? (3)
- If the fuel pressure at the engine driven high pressure fuel pump inlet is less than 15 psi
- A fuel leak in the engine fuel system
- Both fuel boost pumps on one side turned OFF with the crossflow valve CLOSED
What is the corrective action required if a red “FUEL FILTER” CAS message illuminates?
Reduce power to 75% HP RPM on the affected engine and check for engine fuel temperature increase ≥ 5º C
How is the fuel system configured with a dual converter failure?
One main boost pump selected ON with the crossflow valve OPEN
What is the function of the pressure fueling static port underneath each wing?
To provide a static pressure reference for the tank pressure sensing valve in the pressure fueling system
What is the function of the remote fueling shutoff switches?
To control pressure fueling shutoff operation from the cockpit
What are the normal indications on the fuel gauges with the standby fuel quantity gauge selected to “TEST”?
An amber 7000 lbs indication on each fuel gauge with the total fuel gauges reading an amber 14,000 lbs indication and flashing “LOW FUEL” message for approximately 30 seconds on the standby panel and “FUEL LEVEL LOW” on the CAS
What is an acceptable source of fuel for the APU?
Either the left main or left alternate boost pump selected ON Either the right main or right alternate boost pump selected ON with the crossflow valve OPEN
If both fuel boost pumps on one side were selected to OFF after engine start, what would be the resulting indication?
A red “FUEL PRESS LOW” CAS message
What is the function of the crossflow valve?
- To supply fuel to both engines from one fuel tank, or
- Transfer fuel under pressure to an opposite fuel tank through the motive-flow ejector pumps
What is the function of the intertank valve?
- Defuel the aircraft
- Balance fuel
What is the meaning of the “CB” indication in the boost pump switches?
This indicates that a boost pump circuit breaker has tripped on the power distribution box (PDB)
Where is the location of the fuel boost pump circuit breakers?
- On the power distribution box (PDB) in the forward radio rack,
- PRIMARY is on the ESS DC Bus and Alternate is on the Right Main DC Bus
Fuel Tank Temperature Min
-40˚ C
Fuel Tank Temperature Max
54˚ C and above
Maximum Fuel Imbalance
2,000LBS @ 55,000# gross wt
400LBS @ 60,500# gross wt