Flight Controls Flashcards
What might cause a red “ACFT CONFIG” CAS message to illuminate during takeoff? (2)
- Flaps not at 10 or 20 degrees
- Speedbrake handle not stowed
If an engine is inadvertently started with the gust lock engaged, what is the appropriate procedure?
Shut down the engine and bleed the hydraulic pressures to zero before disengagement
How is the external (single) rudder load limiter checked?
During engine starts, with the right engine operating and prior to starting the left
engine, the amber “SNGL RUDDER LIMIT” CAS message should be displayed
on the EICAS and the engine start page
If an amber “SNGL RUDDER LIMIT” CAS message illuminates in flight, what is the corrective action?
Avoid abnormal rudder deflection
How is the rudder torque limiter checked prior to flight?
Illumination of the blue “RUDDER LIMIT” CAS message with full rudder deflection
Is the yaw damper required to be operative or engaged for autopilot operation?
The yaw damper must be operative and it will automatically engage when the autopilot is selected ON
What is the function of the GPWS ground spoiler flap override switch? (2)
- Provides ground spoiler deployment upon wheel speed spin-up in the event of a partial flap landing
- Inhibits the GPWS “TOO LOW, FLAPS” callout
Is ground spoiler deployment available with a loss of combined system fluid?
Yes, the auxiliary hydraulic pump provides the “pop-up” signal and the flight hydraulic system provides hydraulic pressure to move the ground spoiler panels
What is the immediate action required if the red “GND SPOILER” CAS message illuminates in flight?
Immediately position the ground spoiler arming switch to OFF
When conducting the ground spoiler preflight test, what are the proper indications when the “TEST” button is pressed? (4)
- The ground spoilers should remain stowed
- A red “NO GND SPLR” light capsule illuminates on the glareshield
- A red “GND SPOILER” CAS message illuminates
- Both master warning light capsules illuminate
During the cockpit preflight inspection, how can the flaps be set to 10 degrees in preparation for the exterior preflight inspection?
By activating the auxiliary hydraulic pump
What hydraulic sources are available to operate the flaps using the emergency flap control?
- Combined
- Utility
- Auxiliary
If the FLAP CONT circuit breaker has tripped, what is the affect on the flap system?
- Normal flap operation is not available
- Emergency flap operation may be available
If the MANUAL FLAP CONT circuit breaker has tripped, what is the affect on the flap system?
Both normal and emergency flap operation will be inoperative
With a loss of essential DC bus power, what is the effect on the flap system?
Both normal and emergency flap operation will be inoperative
How would a flap asymmetry condition affect flap operation?
Both normal and emergency flap operation will be inoperative
What is the limitation regarding the use of the autopilot with emergency flap operation?
Do not engage the autopilot when using the emergency flaps unless flap deflection is 10º or greater
What is the first required action with an undesired flap movement?
Select the emergency flap switch to “EMERGENCY”
When is the amber “STAB-FLAP FAIL” CAS message displayed?
When the flaps are fully up but the stabilizer is not fully up
What are the resulting indications when emergency flaps are used? (5)
- A red “X” on both AOA indicators
- No valid auto-speed target (999 in the speed window)
- No valid perf computer speeds on the FLT REF page
- Autothrottles will disconnect
- A “FLAP INPUT INVALID” scratchpad message
What flap setting would you use with a combined fluid loss (assuming you move them)?
Flaps 20, aux hydraulic pump operation is extremely slow (in case of go-around)
What is required to energize automatic ground spoilers upon landing if the flaps are less than 22°?
- Ground Spoiler switch selected to ARMED, power on the Essential DC bus, and power levers at idle and weight on wheels
- Ground Spoiler switch selected to ARMED, power on the Essential DC bus, and power levers at idle with the GPWS/GND SPLR FLAP ORIDE switch selected ON and wheel speed spin-up activated
What is normally indicated by a red “X” on the AOA indicators?
Emergency flap operation is in use and AOA indications may not be reliable
What is the limitation regarding the use of the autopilot with emergency flap operation?
Do not engage the autopilot when using the emergency flaps unless flap deflection is 10º or greater
What conditions must be meet for automatic deployment of Ground Spoilers?
- Combined, Utility, or AUX Hydraulic pressure for servo control
- Combined or Flight Hydraulic Pressure to extend spoilers
- ESS DC Bus and Left Main DC Bus powered
- Ground Spoiler Switch – ARMED
- Both Power Levers – IDLE
- Nutcrackers - Ground Mode or wheel spin up when:
· Flaps greater than 22 degrees
· Flaps position less than 22 degrees and Ground Spoiler Flap Override Switch selected ON
When is use of the Speed Brakes prohibited?
Use of Speed Brakes are not approved for use with Flaps at 39 degrees (DOWN) or with Landing Gear extended in flight
What are the maximum speed for Flap extension:
Flaps 10 - 250 KCAS
What are the maximum speed for Flap extension:
Flaps 20 - 220 KCAS
What are the maximum speed for Flap extension:
Flaps 39 - 180 KCAS (SP)
What is the maximum operating altitude for extending landing Flaps (39 degrees)?
20,000 FT MSL