Fuel Policy: OM A Flashcards
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.1
The Commander shall only commence a flight…
… when satisfied that the aircraft carries at least the planned amount of usable fuel and oil to complete the flight safely, taking into account the expected operating conditions
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.1
All flights will be planned with sufficient fuel to…
…to be able to land at a minimum of two airfields (or two RWYs at the same airfield when dispatching without DEST ALT) with at least RESERVE FUEL in tanks.
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.2
What is a general BA policy with regard to flight planning!?
BA general flight planning policy is for:
1- Maximum Payload
2- Minimum Cost
Note: If the sector is payload limited then
- Minimum Fuel
The flight planning objective is to maximise payload whilst maintaining non-stop operation. (ref: OM A 8.18.5)
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.2
When would you need new CIRRUS Flight Plan?
If ZFW (i.e. payload) increases in excess of 5000 kg new CIRRUS Flight Plan should normally be requested.
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.2
When is there no requirement for new CIRRUS FP!?
There is no requirement for new CIRRUS FP for:
1- reduced TOW
2- increases TOW due to extra fuel loaded for any reason
3- weight changes within the range (up to 5000kg increase)
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.5
What is the minimum amount of HOLDING FUEL required when dispatching without DEST ALT?
15 minutes.
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.5
REQUIRED FUEL (at the time of departure) is the sum of…
- DIVERSION FUEL (or 15min HOLDING FUEL when no DEST ALT planned)
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.6
What is TRIP FUEL?
TRIP FUEL is fuel required from the start of take-off through climb, cruise, descent, approach to touchdown at destination, assuming CIRRUS DEP RWY/SID/ROUTING/STAR/ARR RWY
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.7
DIVERSION FUEL is fuel required from GA at DEST through climb,cruise,descent,approach to touchdown at selected ALT. Calculations assume CI-0 and Planned Landing Weight minus CONT FUEL (assumed burned) as Start DIV Weight
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.7
When might you require the FP to include a total of two DEST ALT?
When the weather at destination is forecast to be below planning minima an additional DEST ALT is required.
Note: Fuel must be carried for the more distant DEST ALT!!
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.8
What conditions must be satisfied in order for a flight to be dispatched without a DEST ALT fuel?
In order for a flight to be dispatched without a DEST ALT fuel:
1- The duration of the planned flight from TO to LAND shall not exceed 6hrs;
2- Two separate usable RWYs will be available at DEST with WX forecasts at DEST for +/- 1hr ET of arrival to be — a) VIS>5k
b) CLD> 2000ft or CIRC+500 if greater
Note: DIV FUEL must be replaced with 15 min HOLDING FUEL (1/2 RES FUEL)
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.9
What is RES FUEL?
RES FUEL is the minimum fuel required to be remaining in tanks at normal landing.
(Equates to 30min HOLD FUEL at 1500ft at Planned Landing Weight at ALT or DEST in no ALT required)
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.10
CONTINGENCY FUEL is fuel carried to cover unforeseen variations in the operation.
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.10
When can we use CONT FUEL!?
At any time after flight dispatch (first movement under its own power for the purpose of take-off) CONT FUEL can be used!
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.10
CONT FUEL should be the higher of i) or ii)
i) a. 5% TRIP FUEL. or
b. 3% TRIP FUEL if ERA available and selected. or
c. 20min flying fuel based on TRIP FUEL consumption. or
d. SCF
ii) 5min HOLD FUEL at 1500ft at PLW (min CONT FUEL must not be lower than this figure even when fuel LMC reduction is needed)
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.11
Does TAXI FUEL include APU usage fuel!?
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.11
What does TAXI FUEL allow for?
TAXI FUEL allows for ENG start and taxi out including APU usage.
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.13
Explain Reduced Contingency Fuel flight planning procedure. RCF
RCF plan will be to DEST1 (actual destination) using a Decision Point along the route and DEST2 (optional refuelling destination)..
Fuel will be greater than what is normally required for:
1- DEST2 (shorter refuel route) with norm CONT FUEL rules (8.10.10)
2- DEST1 (commercial destination) with CONT FUEL Reduction to not less than 5% from DP to DEST1
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.14
Explain ADDITIONAL FUEL considerations.
ADDITIONAL FUEL will cover scenario if additional fuel is required to:
i) descend and proceed to an adequate airfield
ii) hold there for 15min
Iii) make an approach and landing there
…..in the event of:
1- ENG FAIL or
…at the most critical point on the route.
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.16
During Pre-Dispatch what 4 options can commander utilise to reduce required fuel if it is not feasible to uplift more?
(Pre-Dispatch Planning Adjustments)
4 Pre-Dispatch Planning Fuel Adjustments available to Commander are:
i) use CI-0; and
ii) reduce TAXI FUEL below statistical figure if high; and
iii) Dispatch without DEST ALT (8.18.8); and
iv) reduce CONT FUEL to a min 5min.
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.18
What is the fuel penalty for carriage of EXTRA FUEL?
Approximately 3% of EXTRA FUEL per hour
Pre-flight fuel planning
OM A 8.18.19
When does the tankering winter restriction apply?
Winter tankering restriction (Less than 19000kg on landing applies when either:
a) there is a risk of upper wing icing; or
b) 1- planned sector length is greater than 1hr 15min and
2- forecast WX at DEST is
*OAT -2C to +10C with precipitation; or
*OAT -2C to +10C with high humidity
Note: high humidity = dew point within 2C of OAT
In-flight fuel management
OM A 8.18.21
What is a fuel penalty for flying 4000ft lower than optimum FMC calculated FL?
for 8000ft lower its double- approx 10%
In-flight fuel management
OM A 8.18.21
Which is relatively speaking more efficient, flying higher or lower than optimum FMC calculated FL?
Flying lower is more efficient, all other factors being equal!
Note: HW or TW wind component will have significant effect and should be considered.
In-flight fuel management
OM A 8.18.23
What action should be taken in the event of in-flight fuel short fall?
(Fuel check shows arriving at DEST with less than RES+DIV)
- reduce fuel consumption (CI/optimum FL/trim)
- select closer DEST ALT
- consider the action in fuel shortfall table
In-flight fuel management
OM A 8.18.23
What factor determines decision to continue in the event of Fuel shortfall?!
Max Delay known or not!
EAT received or not!
In-flight fuel management
OM A 8.18.23
With Fuel shortfall -Max delay not known and EAT not received can you continue to DEST?
Continue If possible to reach at least two aerodromes where landing is assured.
Note1: if within 2hrs flight of your current position then 2 separate RWYs at single aerodrome may be considered equivalent to two aerodromes provided likely delays are considered
Note2: if within 6hrs flight from DEST then DIV fuel can be replaced with 15min HOLDING FUEL according to same rules for Dispatch without DEST ALT(8.18.8).
See below:
1- The duration of the planned flight from TO to LAND shall not exceed 6hrs;
2- Two separate usable RWYs will be available at DEST with WX forecasts at DEST for +/- 1hr ET of arrival to be ———a) VIS>5k
b) CLD> 2000ft or CIRC+500 if greater
Note: DIV FUEL must be replaced with 15 min HOLDING FUEL (1/2 RES FUEL)
In-flight fuel management
OM A 8.18.23
With Fuel shortfall- Max delay known or EAT received can you continue to DEST?
Continue to DEST or HOLD regardless of number of RWYs if landing is assured and possible to reach DEST aerodrome with at least RES FUEL in tanks.
Note: A landing is assured if, in the judgement of the Commander it could be completed in the event of any forecast (more than 2hrs flying time to DEST) or actual (within 2hrs flying time to DEST)
- WX deterioration ; and
- plausible single failures of airborne and ground facilities (possibly downgrade landing status to CAT1)
In-flight fuel management
OM A 8.18.23
When is the landing assured?
A landing is assured if, in the judgement of the Commander it could be completed in the event of any forecast
- WX deterioration ; and
- plausible single failures of airborne and ground facilities (possibly downgrade landing status to CAT1)
Note: consider WX forecast report when more than 2hrs flying time from DEST and consider actual WX report when within 2hrs flying time from DEST.
In-flight fuel management
OM A 8.18.24
What two things must Commander do before declaring MINIMUM FUEL to ATC?
Commander must
1- Decide to commit to a landing at a specific aerodrome; and
2-Calculate that any change to existing clearance to the above aerodrome may result in landing with less than RESERVE FUEL.
In-flight fuel management
OM A 8.18.24
Declaring MINIMUM FUEL to ATC means….
1- that all planned aerodrome options have been reduced to a specific aerodrome of landing; and
2-that any changes to the existing clearance may result in aircraft landing with less that RESERVE FUEL!!!
This is NOT an emergency!!
In-flight fuel management
OM A 8.18.24
What must a Commander do when the calculated usable fuel predicted to be available at landing is less than RESERVE FUEL?
The Commander shall declare fuel emergency by broadcasting
MAYDAY, MAYDAY,MAYDAY, FUEL reporting fuel remaining in minutes.
In-flight fuel management
OM A 8.18.25
Commander must check this.
On a RCF planned flight what usable fuel must remain in tanks at Decision Point in order for flight to continue to DEST1?
At DP Commander must check that total usable fuel is sum of:
- TRIP FUEL (from DP to DEST1)
- CONT FUEL (5% of TRIP FUEL from DP to DEST1
- DIV FUEL if DEST1 ALT aerodrome is required