From Chancellor to Dictator Flashcards
When were the next elections planned after Hitler became chancellor?
March 1933.
When was the Reichstag fire?
27th February 1933.
Who did Hitler blame for the Reichstag fire?
A former communist, Marinus van der Lubbe.
What law was passed as a result of an apparent Communist threat? What power did it give Hitler and the SA?
The Decree for the Protection of the People and the State. This gave the SA police powers, the ability to lock up communists and ban communist newspapers. Hitler also had the 81 communist members of the Reichstag arrested.
Why did businessmen back the Nazis after the Reichstag fire?
Because they were anti-communist and the businessmen were scared of the threat.
How many seats did the Nazis win in the March 1933 elections? What was significant about this?
- This gave him a majority (after he banned the communists).
Why did the Catholic Centre Party support the Nazis?
Because the Nazis promised to protect the Catholic Church in Germany if they were in power.
When was the Enabling Act passed?
23rd March 1933.
What did the Enabling Act allow Hitler to do?
Pass any law he liked without going through the Reichstag.
After the Enabling Act was passed, what did the Nazis do to all major organisations and governments in Germany?
‘Nazify’ them (or ‘Nazifying’ - ‘Gleichschaltung’).
What happened to the Trade Unions after the Enabling Act? When did this happen?
They were all merged into one - The Nazi Labour Organisation (DAF). 2nd May 1933.
What happened to political parties after the Enabling Act? When did this happen?
Political parties were banned or forced to disband. The Nazi Party became the only legal political party in Germany (14 July 1933).
What was signed by the Catholic Church after the Enabling Act? When did this happen?
A Concordat (agreement) was signed with the Catholic Church stating that it would stay out of politics (8 July 1933).
What happened to state governments after the Enabling Act?
State governments were abolished and replaced with Nazi state governors.
When was the Night of the Long Knives?
29th June 1934.
Why did Hitler want rid of the SA?
They were growing too large, they started to disagree on some political aspects with Hitler, and they were an embarrassment (the leader, Ernst Röhm, was homosexual as well as other members, which went against the Nazi ideology).
What reason did Hitler give to the public about killing the SA leaders?
That he was trying to prevent a ‘second revolution’.
After the SA was disbanded, who was the only person with more power than Hitler?
The President, Hindenburg.
When did President Hindenburg die?
2nd August 1934.
Why did the President’s death make Hitler have full control?
Because the President’s powers merged with his so he was now essentially a dictator.