Friday psalms Flashcards
Voce mea ad Dóminum clamávi: * voce mea ad Deum, et inténdit mihi
My voice to the Lord cried. My voice to God and he intends to me (hears me)
In die tribulatiónis meæ Deum exquisívi, mánibus meis nocte contra eum: * et non sum decéptus.
In the day of my tribulation I sought (ex-quizzed…inquired) God, my hands at night toward him: and I was not deceived
Rénuit consolári ánima mea, * memor fui Dei, et delectátus sum, et exercitátus sum: et defécit spíritus meu
Renounced consolation my soul * I remembered God, and was delighted, and was exercised, and my spirit swooned away.
Anticipavérunt vigílias óculi mei: * turbátus sum, et non sum locútus.
My eyes prevented the watches: * I was troubled, and I spoke not.
Cogitávi dies antíquos: * et annos ætérnos in mente hábui.
I thought upon the days of old: * and I had in my mind the eternal years
Et meditátus sum nocte cum corde meo, * et exercitábar, et scopébam spíritum meum.
And I meditated in the night with my own heart: * and I was exercised and I swept my spirit.
Numquid in ætérnum proíciet Deus: * aut non appónet ut complacítior sit adhuc?
Will God then cast off for ever? * or will he never be more favourable again?
Aut in finem misericórdiam suam abscíndet, * a generatióne in generatiónem?
Or will he cut off his mercy for ever, * from generation to generation?
Aut obliviscétur miseréri Deus? * aut continébit in ira sua misericórdias suas?
Or will God forget to shew mercy? * or will he in his anger shut up his mercies?
Et dixi: Nunc cœpi: * hæc mutátio déxteræ Excélsi.
And I said, Now have I begun: * this is the change of the right hand of the most High.
Memor fui óperum Dómini: * quia memor ero ab inítio mirabílium tuórum.
I remembered the works of the Lord: * for I will be mindful of thy wonders from the beginning.
Et meditábor in ómnibus opéribus tuis: * et in adinventiónibus tuis exercébor.
And I will meditate on all thy works: * and will be employed in thy inventions.
Deus, in sancto via tua: quis Deus magnus sicut Deus noster? * tu es Deus qui facis mirabília.
Thy way, O God, is in the holy place: who is the great God like our God? * Thou art the God that dost wonders.
Notam fecísti in pópulis virtútem tuam: * redemísti in brácchio tuo pópulum tuum, fílios Iacob et Ioseph
Thou hast made thy power known among the nations: * with thy arm thou hast redeemed thy people the children of Jacob and of Josep
Vidérunt te aquæ, Deus, vidérunt te aquæ: * et timuérunt, et turbátæ sunt abýssi.
The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee: * and they were afraid, and the depths were troubled