FreudTheory Flashcards
reality testing and problem solving. Distinguishes between things in our mind and things in the external world. Decision maker
Listening of urges. Impulses channeled into socially acceptable activities. Caring and relating to others outside of the home
Age 6-12
Develops during 3 to 6 years old and from interactions with parents. Internalization of values, ideas and moral standards of parents and society. When morals are violated, punish by making us feel guilty.
Pleasure and conflict associated with genitals. Oepdipus complex. Identification was same-sex parents and superego emerges.
Age 3-6
Self gratification, ID and pleasure, trust and security
Age birth to one
pleasure from getting in control, conflict between parent and control, sense of control, delay of immediate gratification.
Age 1 to 3
Drives, doesn’t tolerate being uncomfortable and wants to release tension and return to comfort. Impulsive, irrational and doesn’t care about consequences.
Adolescence, gratification from own body, life goals and personal identity developed.
Age 12 plus