French 2018 Flashcards
Comment tu t’apelles?
What does this mean and how do you respond?
Meaning: How do you call yourself/what is your name?
Response: Je m’appelle (name)
Tu as quel âge?/Quel âge as-tu?
What does this mean and how do you respond?
Meaning: What is your age?
Response: J’ai (age) ans.
Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?
What does this mean and how do you respond?
Meaning: What is the date of your birthday?
Response: Mon anniversaire, c’est le (day/month).
Où habites tu?
What does this mean and how do you respond?
Meaning: Where do you live?
Response: J’habite à (suburb/country/city) name.
Tu es étudiant(e)?
What does this mean and how do you respond?
Meaning: Are you a student?
Response: Oui, je suis étudiante au (school name)
What body part is la tête?
The head
What body part is les cheveaux?
What body part is les yeux?
What body part is les épaules?
What body part is les genoux?
What body part is le pieds?
Tu es de quelle nationalité?
What does this mean and how do you respond?
Meaning: You are of what nationality?
Response: Je suis de nationalité (e.g Australian)
Tu es de quelle origine?
What does this mean and how do you respond?
Meaning: You are of what background? Response: Je suis d’origine (background)
Tu es né(e) ou?
What does this mean and how do you respond?
Meaning: Where were you born?
Response: Je suis né(e) à (city) en (country).
Meaning of: gentille/gentil