Franks, Eastern Christians, Byzantines and the Latin West, c.1119-1149 Flashcards
Which Christians were prominent in the county of Tripoli and the northernmost kingdom of Jerusalem?
Which Eastern Christians were numerous in the states of Antioch and Edessa?
Which followers of the Syrian Orthodox Church were on generally amicable terms with the Franks?
Which ethnic group made up the majority of the population in the principality of Antioch?
Who had encouraged the migration of Christians of all types to his kingdom before 1118?
Baldwin I
What did all non-Franks have to pay in the crusader states?
Poll Tax
What were imposed upon Greek Orthodox priests?
Latin bishops
When did John II succeed Alexius I as Byzantine emperor?
Who did John II fight against in Anatolia between 1130 and 1135?
Which city along with Mamistra and Adana did John II reconquer from the Armenians in 1137?
What did John II have to conquer to open up a land route to Antioch?
Who formally acknowledged that he was John II’s vassal in 1137?
Raymond of Antioch
Who did John II wish to assist the northern Franks against?
Which city along with Shaizar, Homs and Hama was Raymond to rule instead of Antioch?
Which city did John II besiege with Raymond of Antioch and Joscelin of Edessa in 1138?
Why did the siege of Shaizar fail in 1138?
Frankish sabotage
Why was John II unable to remain in control of Antioch after 1138?
Internal revolt
Whose death in 1143 prevented him from returning to assert his rights over Antioch?
John II
Who was the Latin Patriarch of Antioch between 1135 and 1139?
Roger of Domfort
Who was the Latin Patriarch of Antioch between 1139 and 1193?
Aimery of Limoges
Which pope did the Franks of Outremer appeal to for aid following the Field of Blood?
Calixtus II
Which Italian city-state responded to the request made for aid after the Field of Blood?
When did the help sent from the Venetians after the Field of Blood arrive?
May 1123
How many ships did the Venetians send to aid Outremer in 1122?
At which battle were the forces of Roger of Antioch annihilated in 1119?
Field of Blood
Which Byzantine Island did the Venetian crusaders attempt to seize in 1122-23?
When did the help sent from the Venetians after the Field of Blood arrive?
May 1123
One hundred and twenty of what were sent by Venetians to aid Outremer in 1122?
Who was captured in battle in 1122 and became a prisoner of Balak?
Joscelin I
Who was captured in 1123 after coming north to look after the County of Edessa?
Baldwin II
What did Bernard of Clairvaux write in 1129 in defence of the military orders?
In Praise of the New Chivalry
Who did Constantine of Antioch marry in 1136 to bring new leadership and manpower?
Raymond of Poitiers
Why was the county of Edessa geographically vulnerable to attack?
physically remote
Which type of European aid rarely came to Edessa?
Which daughter of Baldwin II married Fulk in 1129 to bring new leadership and aid?
Where did the count of Edessa often live (far away from Edessa itself)?
Which king of Jerusalem died in 1143 leaving a child to succeed him?
Which crusader state was slow to respond to Edessa’s plight because its king was young?
Who was the new king of Jerusalem from 1143?
Baldwin III
Which state’s ruler had Joscelin II of Edessa fallen out with before 1144?
Which Byzantine emperor’s support and overlordship had Antioch and Edessa undermined?
John II
Which Muslim ruler had united Mosul and Aleppo under his rule by the 1130s?
Which rivals dynasty opposed to Zengi had Joscelin II allied himself with?
What did Zengi use to undermine the walls of Edessa in December 1144?
Why had interest in crusading generally declined before 1144?
Failure of the 1101 crusade
What had Louis VII planned before the fall of Edessa in 1144?
Pilgrimage to Jerusalem
What was offered to crusaders by the papal bull for the Second Crusade?
Remittance of sins
What increased feudal obligation as a possible motivation for Second crusaders?
Participation of kings
How long was Bernard of Clairvaux’s preaching tour for the Second Crusade?
Seven months
What economic consideration was promised by Eugenius III for Second crusaders?
Protection of possessions
What was the name of the papal bull that launched the Second Crusade?
Quantum Praedecessores
Who did Bernard inspire to participate in the Second Crusade when he was in Germany?
Conrad III
What was Bernard keen to suppress during his preaching of the Second Crusade?
Which brother of Louis VII had died before fulfilling his crusading oath?
Which city’s capture prompted the Eugenius II to issue a call to crusade?
When was Quantum Praedecessores issued launching the Second Crusade?
December 1145
Which French church had Louis VII been excommunicated for burning down in 1142?
How did Bernard refer to those given the ‘opportunity’ to go on the Second Crusade?
The ‘Lucky Generation’
What did Conrad III hope to assert on the Second Crusade?
Imperial authority
What made knights want to be as heroic as their ancestors on the First Crusade?
social pressure
Which pope called for a Second Crusade in December 1145?
Eugenius III
Who did pope Eugenius III recruit to preach the Second Crusade?
Bernard of Clairvaux
Which Seljuk Sultan of Rum’s forces defeated the German Second Crusade at 2nd Dorylaeum in October 1147?
Where did an alliance of Masud of Rum and the Danishmends defeat the French Second Crusaders in January 1148?
Mount Cadmus
Which French crusader did Louis VII and Conrad III want to rule Damascus after its expected capture?
Thierry of Flanders
Which Frankish baron did the Franks of the Kingdom of Jerusalem want to rule Damascus after its expected capture?
Guy Brisbarre