FPTP Essay Flashcards
One electoral system used in the UK is first past the post (FPTP). In this essay I will argue that FPTP is most representative voting system but is overall somewhat representative
Point 1 for Paragraph 1
Some may argue that FPTP is an effective system in providing representation as it gives majority governments.
Explain 1 for Paragraph 1
This means that the person with the most votes wins, so voters get what they vote for as, the party that voters voted for the most will win.
Example 1 for Paragraph 1
For example, in the 2024 general election Labour got the highest percentage of votes (34%) and a 174-seat majority, therefore winning the election.
Analysis 1 for Paragraph 1
This means that since more people voted for labour, they got more votes than any other party, so naturally won. So voters can get who they vote for.
Point 2 for Paragraph 1
However, MPs have the option to move party.
Explain 2 for Paragraph 1
This means that MPs can leave their party if they really want and join another or resign as a MSP all together. As well as this sometimes MPs can be suspended for voting against their party etc. This suspension does not take away the title of MP but mans they are no longer part of the party.
Example 2 for Paragraph 1
For example, in 2024 after the general election seven labour MPs were suspended for voting against their party and supporting a SNP motion to scrap the two-child benefit cap.
Analysis 2 for Paragraph 1
The impact of this is that voters no longer get what they voted for. Those with MPs that resigned, from their party, no longer have an MP that represents the party they voted, same with MPs who were suspended. For voters with a MP that resigned as an MP overall they no longer have the MP that they voted for. Meaning voters don’t always get what they voted for, or at least MPs don’t always stay what they voted for.
Evaluation for Paragraph 1
Overall, this means that FPTP isn’t always as effective, as it does allow for voters to get what they voted for, but they voted for doesn’t always stay. Meaning it is somewhat effective and representative.
Point 1 for Paragraph 2
Some may say that FPTP is an ineffective system as it does not proportionally represent the UK population.
Explain 1 for Paragraph 2
This means that FPTP does not fully represent the UK population as it does not fully represent the population of the UK who is BAME, women, LGBTQIA+ and of different classes. So, MPs voted in through FPTP do not fully represent who they represent in parliament.
Example 1 for Paragraph 2
For example, 40% of MPs are women compared to 51% of the population.
Analysis 1 for Paragraph 2
This means that the public are not fully represented by the people whose job it is to represent them. And if these people cannot represent the public, who will. The impact of this is that a large proportion of the population will have no one who can represent them and their needs.
Point 2 for Paragraph 2
However, representation in parliament is increasing.
Explain 2 for Paragraph 2
This means that the number of MPs of a minority is increasing, meaning that the representation of the UK parliament is increasing and becoming more proportional of the UK population.
Example 2 for Paragraph 2
For example, the number of MPs who are BAME have on average increased at every general election since 1987 including going from 65 MPs in 2019 to 90 in 2024.
Analysis 2 for Paragraph 2
This means that the public is being represented more and more by parliament. So, representation overall is increasing. The impact of this is that the public is becoming better represented day by day and should soon have a fully proportional parliament.
Evaluation for Paragraph 2
Overall, this means that FPTP may not be creating a representative parliament now but can in the future since representation is increasing. Meaning FPTP is somewhat representative and somewhat effective in representing the UK.
Point 1 for Paragraph 3
Some may say that Additional members system (AMS) is a more effective system.
Explain 1 for Paragraph 3
This is the system used by the Scottish government. With this system there are two votes one with FPTP to vote in constituency MSPs. The second vote uses AMS and is used to vote in regional MSPs with the public voting for a party instead of one person.
Example 1 for Paragraph 3
For example, the Edinburgh Pentlands constituent MSP is Gordon Macdonald. In the 2021 election the Lothian region voted in 3 conservative MSPs, 2 labour and 2 Green.
Analysis 1 for Paragraph 3
Some say that AMS is more representative as it helps to provide more proportional representation through the two votes. This means that the public are more represented in their country with a large range of parties in the government.
Point 2 for Paragraph 3
However some may argue that AMS is not proportional because the public has no say in party lists.
Explain 2 for Paragraph 3
This means that during the regional vote, voters vote for a party members are later chosen through party lists based on the party with the most votes. This means that voters have no choice in who represents them and have no idea who they are actually voting for.
Example 2 for Paragraph 3
For example, in Edinburgh Lothian Sue Webber was voted in as a regional MSP however constituents did not actually vote for but voted for her party, conservatives.
Analysis 2 for Paragraph 3
Therefore, AMS is not more representative than FPTP as voters have no idea who they are actually voting for so are not actually represented. Compared to FPTP where voters do know who they are voting for.
Evaluation for Paragraph 3
Overall, FPTP is actually more representative than AMS as members of the public more control over who as MSPs represent them.
Overall FPTP is somewhat representative and somewhat effective in representing the UK people and population.