Collectivism vs Individualism Flashcards
As a society we are a mix of collectivism and individualism. Some believe in the collectivist view that inequality and social issues should be solved as a whole, no one should deal with inequality alone. That it’s not the individual’s fault for the situation there in but the social setting around them. Whereas others believe in the individualist view that supports the idea that it is someone’s fault for being in that situation and they should deal with it alone. In this essay I will be looking at the collectivist and individualist view on inequality and the causes of inequality, government action and the need for it
Point 1 for Paragraph 1
One reason why collectivism is the best approach and argument is that inequality has grown under individualistic government.
Explain 1 for Paragraph 1
For 14 the UK has been governed by the individualistic Conservative Party and in those 14 years inequality has increased. This means that the inequality gap has grown with the government doing nothing/ very little to help those in need. Due parties and the government doing very little to help more and more people cannot afford necessities in life such as food, clothing, heating and much more.
Example 1 for Paragraph 1
For example, compared to this time five years ago, need for food banks in our network has increased by 128%.
Analysis 1 for Paragraph 1
Due to the inactivity of individualistic Parties inequality has grown to the point that more and more people cannot afford to eat and need food banks to survive. People are needing more food banks and food than charities and organisations can provide. This can lead to the charities being overwhelmed and overworked by the pressure to provide.
Point 2 for Paragraph 1
However, individualists would argue inequality has increased due to the dependency culture that collectivism promotes.
Explain 2 for Paragraph 1
This means that due to collectivism people depend too much on resources like food banks and that’s what leads to charities being overwhelmed and overworked, instead of how the government operates it is the collectivism ideology that leads to inequality, according to individualism.
Example 2 for Paragraph 2
For example, the collectivist Scottish government pays over £500 million in personal care for the elderly.
Analysis 2 for Paragraph 1
This means that the people on those benefits rely, almost, solely on the government money and funding given to them, a dependency culture. This can lead to people not being able to survive without government funding and needing that funding to live. Meaning they are dependent on the government to live, which costs the government millions of pounds that could be used for other issues. Costing the government more money.
Evaluation for Paragraph 1
Overall individualism would say that collectivism has led to a dependency culture, however collectivism would argue that the dependency culture has only come about because individualism has let inequality grow. If Individualism hadn’t let inequality get as bad as it is people would need the collectivist policies to survive as they would be able afford necessities on their own.
Point 1 for Paragraph 2
Another reason why collectivism is the best approach and argument is that only governments have the resources needed to tackle inequality.
Explain 1 for Paragraph 2
This means collectivism argues that only the government have the resources and money needed to tackle and combat inequality amongst other social issues. The government are the only group of people who can do this. Charities and organisations don’t have the money to be able to combat inequality and can only do so much with the resources given to them, whereas the government doesn’t deal with this problem, at least as much as local charities do.
Example 1 for Paragraph 2
For example, the UK government and other devolved governments spend almost £200 billion on healthcare.
Analysis for Paragraph 2
. No normal charity would be able to afford this amount of money, meaning the government are the group who can afford to combat inequality. If a charity tried to pay this amount of money, they would most likely go bankrupt or simply not be able to afford, which would mean that locals would lose their local charities and organisations. This shows that only the government can properly combat inequality.
Point 2 for Paragraph 2
However, individualists would argue that local communities and individuals are better at meeting local needs.
Explain 2 for Paragraph 2
Individualists would argue that local communities are better at combating community issues and work better as an effort to solve inequality. People in communities trust each other more than most would trust the government, which means that during a crisis that trust can lead to communities being better able to help each other. As well as this local and charity efforts are often much less expensive than collectivist government policies.
Example 2 for Paragraph 2
For example, the Trussell trust has a network of more than 1’300 food banks across the UK.
Analysis 2 for Paragraph 2
This network of foodbanks allows communities to access support from locals they trust, as well as this local food banks like the Trussell trust put less pressure on the government and allows them to save money that would otherwise be spent on expensive policies
Evaluation for Paragraph 2
Overall individualism would argue that local communities are better at combating inequality, however collectivism would argue that yes communities may work better and combating inequality but that is at a local level, governments are needed to combat inequality at a national level, which charities cannot afford to do.
Point 1 for Paragraph 3
On the other hand, one reason why Individualism may be the best approach is that individualists would argue that collectivist policies are too expensive.
Explain 1 for Paragraph 3
Individualists would argue the cost of welfare state is unsustainable. To pay for the collectivist welfare schemes it would need for taxes on citizens and business would not be able to afford to pay of their tax. And as the population increases and people live longer the need for welfare increases, more people need to pay higher taxes.
Example 1 for Paragraph 3
For example, the cost of providing free prescriptions has risen by 25% in the past 10 years.
Analysis 1 for Paragraph 3
The government spends millions of pounds on policies like the free perspirations, but as the population increases the need for policies like this increase, as shown in the example. The increase in population leads to an increase in taxes to pay for these policies, which leads to the public having to pay higher more expensive taxes. This would mean that the public in general would have less money in general for basic needs. This may mean that people need to rely even more on collectivist policies increasing the cost of the already very expensive policy.
Point 2 for Paragraph 3
However, collectivist would argue that these policies are necessary.
Explain 2 for Paragraph 3
People need these policies to survive, they save peoples lives and are used by many as a life force. While collectivist policies are very expensive, they are very much needed by many.
Example 2 for Paragraph 3
For example, there are currently 6.4 million people on universal credit in the UK.
Analysis 2 for Paragraph 3
This shows many people need universal credit and is an important life force for a large amount of people.
Evaluation for Paragraph 3
So, although it is expensive it is necessary for many to survive.
Overall, individualism would argue that it’s a person’s own fault for the situation they are in. whereas collectivism would argue that it is not anyone’s fault for the situation they are in. in conclusion collectivism is the better approach to inequality as it does not blame anyone for their own situation instead it looks at social background and takes a more caring approach.