Effects on a group Essay Flashcards
Inequality can have many effects on various groups in society, one of these being women. Inequality and gender inequality can create a gap in the quality and value of life a woman lives compared to a man.
Point 1 for Paragraph 1
On such effects of inequality, specifically gender inequality, is the gender pay gap.
Explain 1 for Paragraph 1
It is important to note that for over 40 years it has been illegal to pay women less than men however, due to stereotypes pushed on women from birth they can often end up in lower paid jobs. These are often described as the five cs – caring, catering, cleaning, checkouts and clerical work. Due to this, women are overrepresented in lower paid jobs whereas men are overrepresented in higher paid jobs in bigger corporate companies.
Example 1 for Paragraph 1
For example, after looking at average earning by sectors in 2023 we can see that men on average earn £725 whereas women earn on average £629.
Analysis 1 for Paragraph 1
From looking at this we can see a clear gap between the earnings of men and women, as there is a distinctive difference in the average earnings. This overall means that women will on average have less money than men which can be a problem in the long term as statistically most lone parent families are run by women so less money will be coming into those families and supporting those children.
Point 2 for Paragraph 1
However, the gender pay gap is closing.
Explain 2 for Paragraph 1
In the past few years, the number of women working in higher paid corporate jobs has increased, and as we move into a more progressive world the stereotypes that tell women they can only realistically work in the 5cs are starting to be pushed on little girls a lot less. Meaning that girls and subsequently women will start to believe they can work in higher paid jobs and therefore work in higher paid jobs.
Example 2 for Paragraph 1
For example, the number of FTSE-100 board members who are women have increased from just over 20% in 2011 to 38% now.
Analysis 2 for Paragraph 1
This tells us that the gender pay gap is closing, as more women are beginning to work in higher paid jobs increasing the representation in that work. This means that the gender pay gap as an effect on inequality is less of an issue or a worry as if the number of women working in higher paid continues to increase as it has been the gender pay gap will steadily begin to close.
Evaluation for Paragraph 1
To conclude the gender although a very real effect of gender inequality right now may no longer be a problem in a few years.
Point 1 for Paragraph 2
Due to gender inequality women are more likely to face violence.
Explain 1 for Paragraph 2
Stereotypes, stemming from gender inequality, and rape culture in media are pushed onto young children form a very young age. This leads young men to think that violence against women is acceptable as their entire lives they are inadvertently told it is ok. Women experience more day to day and long-term domestic violence then men as abuse towards women is extremely normalized.
Example 1 for Paragraph 2
For example, for every 3 victims of domestic violence 2 are women and 1 is a man.
Analysis 1 for Paragraph 2
This shows that women are statistically more likely to experience violence then men as on average more victims of violence are women. This is not to say that men do not experience the same levels of violence as women, but that for women it is much more normalised and seen to be a part of womanhood. Violence against women is so normalised that it creates a cycle of abuse. Large amounts of boys grow up watching their fathers abuse and hurt their mothers leading them to believe that this normal as it is all they have ever known and seen.
Point 2 for Paragraph 2
The young girls watching their fathers hurt their mothers will grow up believing that this what women like her deserve.
Explain 2 for Paragraph 2
This then continues the ongoing cycle of abuse that women face. The cycle that leads to more and more women suffering from domestic violence and abuse.
Example 2 for Paragraph 2
For example, 20% of children in UK have lived with an adult perpetrating in domestic abuse.
Analysis 2 for Paragraph 2
That is 1 in 5 children who have witnessed abuse and possibly 1 in 5 children who will go on to perpetrate abuse themselves or even experience abuse. Therefore, creating a debilitating cycle of abuse.
Evaluation for Paragraph 2
To conclude stereotypes created from gender inequality cause violence and abuse against women to be normalised which then create a cycle of abuse, meaning that violence against women is an effect of gender inequality.