Foundation Systems Flashcards
What are the four types of deep foundations?
- drilled piers (caisson)
- socketed caisson
- end-bearing pile
- friction pile
What are drilled piers (caissons)? (3)
- drilled into the earth with large auger
- belled (flared) at the bottom as necessary
- diameters range from 18” to 12’
When are belled caissons practical?
practical only where the bell can be excavated in a cohesive soil that will retain its shape until concrete is placed
How are belled caissons “belled?”
special “belling bucket” attachment used to bell bottom of caisson after shaft is drilled
What are socketed caissons? (3)
- drilled into rock or hard stratum
- not belled at the bottom
- bearing capacity comes from end-bearing and friction between sides of caisson and rock
What are piles? (4)
- used where drilled piers are not practical
- hammered or pressed into the earth
- classified as “end-bearing” or “friction”
- may be made of steel, wood, or precast concrete
What are end-bearing piles? (3)
- forcibly driven until the tip encounters firm resistance
- bearing capacity comes from end of pile
- driven to refusal
What are friction piles? (3)
- used where no firm bearing layer can be reached
- achieves load-bearing capacity through frictional resistance on surface of pile
- driven to a predetermined depth or until a certain level of resistance is encountered
What are pile caps? (2)
- piles are typically driven close together in clusters
- a pile cap spreads load among clustered piles
What is the purpose of grade beams?
spans between the pile caps or piers to provide continuous support for the wall above
What are grade beams? (2)
- reinforcing bars project from the tops of completed drilled piers
- gravel is deposited between the piers, to form a base for concrete grade beams which will span between the piers
What are mini-piles, or pin piles? (4)
- made of steel pipe or bar 2-12 inches in diameter
- pressed or rammed into holes and grouted in place
- can be installed in short sections
- good choice when vertical clearance is limited
What are helical piles, or screw piles? (3)
- installed without hammering
- coupled end-to-end as drilling progresses
- no vibration/low noise: good choice for work close to existing buildings or when making improvements to existing buildings
What is seismic base isolation, or elastometric bearings? (2)
- used in areas of the country where earthquakes are common
- base isolators flex or yield to absorb a significant portion of movement during a seismic event
What are the major components of elastometric bearings? (3)
- rubber layers: provide lateral flexibility
- steel shims: provide vertical stiffness to support building weight while limiting lateral bulging of rubber
- lead plug: provides source of energy dissipation
What is underpinning? (2)
- strengthening or stabilizing an existing foundation
- may be required when original foundation was improperly designed, where a change in use or addition increases foundation loads, or when new construction could cause damage to nearby foundations