Forwarding Flight Plan Information Flashcards
When a flight plan is filed directly with the center, record all items given by the pilot on a ____ ?
- Flight progress strip
- Flight data entry (automated)
- Voice recorder
Enter ___ in block 26 of the initial flight progress strip for ___ use.
- Sector position number
* To identify where information may be found in the event of Search and Rescue
When En Route Flight Data Processing is not in operations, forward flight plan information to the appropriate ____? and include ____ on the strip.
- ATC facility
- Military Base Operations
- Record the time of filing and delivery on the flight progress strips
Who is data forwarded to as an aircraft progresses along its route?
Controller to Controller within the facility and then to the receiving facility
When forwarding data, make sure the information is_____?
Correct and up to date
You cannot use the remarks section of a flight progress strip in lieu of voice coordination to pass what kind of information?
Control information
Use automation in preference to manual procedures when permitted by:
- Workload
- Communications
- Equipment capabilities
Flight progress data must be forwarded at least ___ minutes before the aircraft is estimated to enter the receiving facilities area.
Time requirements may be increased or deceased depending upon___?
- Decreased by LOA or Facility directive
* Increased due to manual data processing or non-radar operations
What items need to be forwarded?
- Aircraft ID
- Number of aircraft/H/type/equipment suffix
- Assigned altitude
- ETA over last reporting point/fix in your sector, or assumed departure time
- Altitude at which the aircraft will enter the receiving facilities area other than assigned (including climbing to descending)
- Point of departure
- Remaining route of flight
- Destination airport and clearance limit if other than
- ETA at destination (not required for military or scheduled air carriers
- Requested altitude if other than assigned (within facility only)
- Assigned beacon code(when forwarded manually and aircraft is on a computer assigned beacon code)
- Longitudinal separation used between aircraft at the same altitude if less than 10 minutes separation exists at the boundary
- Additional non-routine information pertinent to flight safety (minimum fuel or emergencies)
When must you forward a position report over the last reporting point in the transferring facilities area?
- Time differs by more than 3 minutes from the estimate given
- Requested by the controller
- Agreed upon between facilities
- During FDP time will update automatically via computer
What information is circled in red?
- Information or revised information forwarded
- Minutes and altitude when a flight plan or estimate is forwarded (inter and intra) it is acceptable to circle hour and minutes even though it is not required to circle the hour
How many minutes before an aircraft is estimated to enter a receiving facilities area must flight progress data be forwarded?
Other than the time component what other item should be circled in red to indicate that a flight plan or estimate has been forwarded?
When must you coordinate with the receiving facility before an aircraft departs?
When the departure point is less than 15 minutes flying time from the boundary
When automated transfer of flight data occurs, coordination requirements may be reduced by LOA to:
- 5 minutes
* Specific mileage
Forward departure time or subsequent strip posting time unless:
The assumed departure time is within three minutes of actual departure time
Inbound information must be forwarded to approach control when?
Before the transfer of control point
Transfer radio communications and control responsibility early enough to?
Allow the receiving facility to clear the aircraft beyond the clearance limit prior to the aircraft reaching it
When should you forward arrival information to a non approach control tower?
Soon enough to permit adjustment to traffic flow or before issuing a clearance that requires flight within a surface area of which the tower has responsibility unless covered in an LOA
What information should be forwarded to FSS from airborne military flights?
• IFR flight plans • Change from VFR to IFR • Change in IFR flight plan such as o Change in destination • Aircraft ID • Departure point • Original destination • Position and time • New destination • ETA • Remarks (fuel exhaustion) • Revised ETA o Change in fuel exhaustion (given in hours and minutes)
What is the North American Route Program?
A set of rules and procedures that are designed to increase the flexibility of user flight planning within published guidelines
NRP must only be entered in the remarks section of a flight plan when?
Prior coordination is accomplished with ATCSCC or by international NRP flight operations procedures
When an international flight entering the US requests to participate in NRP what must happen?
The en route facility that received the request must enter NRP in the remarks section of the flight plan
NRP must be retained in the remarks section of the flight plan if the aircraft is moved due to:
Weather, traffic, or other tactical reasons (return aircraft to originally filed route as soon as condition warrant)
When would you remove NRP from the remarks section?
When the pilot requests a change in route