Flight Progress Strips Flashcards
Bay headers allow for more ______?
Organized traffic search since there is only one strip per aircraft in each FPA
Flight progress strips are used to ______?
Record data on air traffic and clearances that is required for control and other air traffic services
What should be maintained on a flight progress strip?
Maintain only necessary current data
When do you remove a strip from its bay?
When it is no longer needed for control purposes
Do not erase or overwrite, instead….?
*Use an X to delete unwanted altitude information, climb and descent and maintain arrows, at or above/below arrows, cruise symbols
How do you write up a manual strip?
In the same format as a machine generated strip
The computer will put information in what spaces?
- verification symbol
- revision number
- sector number
- estimated ground speed
- strip request originator
- strip number
- mode 3/A beacon code
A proposal strip should include?
- Aircraft Data (number of aircraft, heavy, type, equipment suffix)
- Filed true airspeed
- departure arrow
- fix and proposed departure time
(True or False) Both automated and non-automated environments are required to use the approved aircraft type codes contained in Appendices A-C to indicate aircraft type.
What does the equipment suffix tell a controller?
The type of clearance/routing aircraft can accept.
List the equipment suffixes and what they mean.
NO DME /X No transponder /T Transponder with no Mode C /U Transponder with Mode C DME /D No transponder /B Transponder with no Mode C /A Transponder with Mode C
/M No transponder
/N Transponder with no Mode C
/P Transponder with Mode C
/Y LORAN, VOR/DME, or INS with no transponder
/C LORAN, VOR/DME, or INS, transponder with no Mode C
/I LORAN, VOR/DME, or INS, transponder with Mode C
A departure strip should include?
- 15- clearance information
- 18- departure time assumed or actual
- 20- altitude information
- 22- pilots estimated time over next fix
- 28- miscellaneous control data
- 29-30- TCP data and coordination indicator if required
An en route strip should include?
- 11- previous fix
- 12- estimated time over previous fix (usually a center estimate)
- 14- actual departure time (first fix posting after departure)
- 14a- plus time
- 15- center estimated time over fix
- 16- actual time over the fix
- 17- pilot estimated time over fix
- 19- posted fix
- 20- altitude information
- 24- requested altitude