Arrival and Approach Flashcards
When should arrival information be forwarded to a non-approach control tower?
Soon enough to permit adjustment to traffic flow, prior to issuing clearance which would require flight within the surface area
What makes up an arrival clearance?
Name of fix or airport, route of flight, altitude instructions, holding instructions, EFC and additional delay information as required
Transfer communications to an approach control facility when?
Early enough to allow the receiving facility to clear the aircraft beyond the clearance limit before the aircraft reaches it
What is depicted on each approach chart?
IAF, nav data, comm info, airport sketch, missed approach procedure
When must you ensure the pilot have the current weather?
Prior to beginning the approach
What must be included in the arrival information provided to an aircraft?
NOTAMS, approach clearance or type of approach to expect, runway if different from approach, wind, ceiling and vis if reported below 010 or highest circling min vis less than 3, altimeter
When issuing an approach clearance that is not under radar procedures or timed or a visual, when would you issue an approach to a second aircraft?
After the proceeding aircraft has landed or cancelled IFR
When radar coverage does not exist how must an aircraft be cleared for an approach?
On a standard instrument procedure only and must commence at an IAF
How do you authorize a pilot to execute any standard instrument approach procedure for that airport?
What must be done in order to specify a specific approach?
Specify the name of the approach…CLEARED (type) APPROACH
When would you not need to specify the runway?
When only one approach of a particular type is published
Where can you issue a circling approach?
Towered airport
When must you include the destination airport in an approach clearance?
At airports without a control tower
What must you do before instructing an IFR aircraft arriving at an airport not served by a control tower or FSS to change to advisory frequency?
Provide the pilot with instructions on how to cancel his/her flight plan
Transfer communications at a non-approach control tower when?
Prior to operation within class D surface area
Transfer communications at airports not served by control towers or FSS when?
Approve a change to advisory when you no longer require direct communications
How do you acknowledge a cancellation of IFR?
When an aircraft is inbound on an unpublished route when can you issue the approach clearance?
Only after the aircraft is established on a segment of a published route or IAP or you have assigned an altitude to maintain until established on a segment on a published route or an IAP (altitude must ensure terrain and obstruction clearance)
What does a cruise clearance authorize?
• A pilot to make an approach at the destination airport when in conjunction with an airport clearance limit or at an airport which does not have a published instrument
approach procedure and provides means for an aircraft to proceed to destination airport, descend, and land in accordance with CFRs governing VFR procedures
• Pilot can climb descend or level off at pilots discretion but once verbally reports leaving an altitude may not return to it without ATC clearance
• A cruise clearance provides SAR protection until IFR flight plan is canceled or closed
What is a cruise clearance not?
An authorization for a pilot to descend under IFR conditions below minimum IFR altitude
When issuing a cruise clearance to an aircraft on an unpublished route what must you do?
Issue the appropriate crossing restriction to ensure terrain clearance until the aircraft reaches fix/point/route where altitude information is available to the pilot
When issuing a cruise clearance to an aircraft at an airport where there is no IAP what do you do?
Do not issue a crossing restriction
When a pilot is assigned a cruise clearance what altitude does he own?
ATC assigned altitude down to minimum IFR altitude
If an aircraft wants an advance descent….
Coordinate with the receiving facility for lower altitude
Issue an advance descent clearance when?
As appropriate and at a distance sufficient to allow for normal descent and speed reduction