Formula Categories Flashcards
Formulas that release exterior wind cold?
- Gui Zhi Tang (W-C ext. def. d/t W-C inv leading to Ying-Wei disharmony)
- Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang (Ext. W-C-D invasion w/ int. heat)
- Ma Huang Tang (W-C ext. excess d/t invasion of W-C; typical Taiyang cold)
- Xiao Qing Long Tang (Ext. W-C with internal phlegm fluid in lung)
Formlas that release exterior wind heat?
- Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang (Cough or asthma d/t heat in lungs; ext not released)
- Sang Ju Yin (Initial stage of wind warm, mild cough from W-H attack lung)
- Yin Qiao San (Wind Heat in Wei Level)
Formulas that tonify and release the exterior?
- Bai Du San (Deficiency of vital energy with invasion by ext. W-C-D, initial dysentery, rowing boat against the stream)
- Jia Jian Wei Ru Tang
Formulas that are cold and purging?
- Da Cheng Qi Tang - Major Order the Qi Decoction (Yangming Fu Excess/ Heat retention with watery discharge/ Heat syncope, convulsions, mania d/t internal excess heat)
- Da Huang Mu Dan Tang - Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction (Initial stage of intestinal abscess from clumping of heat and blood in LJ)
Less important:
- Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang - Regulate the Stomach (Purgative formula for mild excess heat in stomach and intestines)
- Xiao Cheng Qi Tang - Minor Order the Qi Decoction (Purgative for mild excess heat in the large intestine and stomach/ Mild Yangming Fu disorder)
Formulas that are warm and purging?
Wen Pi Tang - Warm the Spleen Decoction (Spleen Yang Xu syndrome leading to excess cold accumulation)
Major symptoms are abdominal pain, constipation and cold limbs.
Formulas that moisten and purge?
- Ma Zi Ren Wan - Hemp Seed Pill (Stomach heat binding the spleen, constipation d/t dryness and heat in stomach and intestines)
Formulas that tonify and purge?
Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang - Increase Fluids and Order Qi Decoction (Severe constipation from yin deficiency)
Chapter 4: Formulas that harmonize Shaoyang?
- Da Chai Hu Tang - Major Bupleurum Decoction (Syndrome of both Shaoyang and Yangming Fu)
- Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang - Artimesia and Scutellaria Decoction to Clear Heat (Excessive heat in GB and D-H in Sp/St)
- Xiao Chai Hu Tang - Minor Bupleurum Decoction (Shaoyang syndrome, Heat entering blood chamber, Malaria/jaundice w/ Shaoyang pattern)
Formulas that regulate liver and spleen?
- Si Ni San - Frigid Extremeties Powder (Cold limbs d/t depressed liver and Yang Qi constraint; disharmony of liver and spleen)
- Xiao Yao San - Rambling Powder (Disharmony of liver and spleen, blood deficiency and stagnation of liver qi)
Formulas that regulate stomach and intestines?
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang - Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium (Pi caused by the binding of cold and heat
Formulas that clear heat from qi level?
- Bai Hu Tang - White Tiger Decoction (Excessive heat in Yangming Channel or excessive heat in Qi level)
- Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang - Bamboo Leaf and Gypsum Formula (Qi level heat in Lung and Stomach with injured Yin and Qi)
Formulas that clear heat from ying and blood level?
- Qing Ying Tang - Clear the Ying (nutritive) Level Decoction (Pathogenic heat entering the nutritive level)
- Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang - Rhino Horn and Rehmannia Decoctino (Excessive heat in the blood level)
Formulas that clear heat and toxins?
- Huang Lian Jie Du Tang - Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity (Excess fire toxins obstructing the San Jiao)
- Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin - Universal Benefit Decoction to Eliminate Toxin (Epidemic toxin with wind-heat and damp-phlegm)
- Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin - Immortal’s Formula for Sustaining Life (Sores and carbuncles from fire toxins, qi and blood stagnation)
Formulas that clear heat from Zang-Fu organs?
- Bai Tou Weng Tang
- Dao Chi San
- Ge Gen Qin Lian Tang
- Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
- Qing Wei San
- Xie Bai San
- Zuo Jin Wan
Formula to clear heat in the heart and nourish yin, promote urination?
Dao Chi San - Guide out the Red Powder
(Heat in heart transmits to small intestine)
Formula to clear excessive fire in LV/GB or damp-heat in LV/GB and LJ?
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang - Dragon Gallbladder Decoction to Drain the Liver
(Heat excess in the Liver and Gallbladder, Liver Fire Rising, Damp-Heat in LV/GB/LJ)
Formula to clear fire in the liver, descend rebellious qi and stop vomiting?
Zuo Jin Wan - Left Metal Pill
(Liver fire overacting on Stomach; Disharmony of liver and stomach)
Formula to clear heat from stomach, cool the blood?
Qing Wei San - Clear the Stomach Powder
(Heat accumulation in the Stomach; Toothache d/t fire in Stomach)
Formula to clear heat in the lungs, stop cough, soothe asthma?
Xie Bai San - Drain the White Powder
(Smoldering fire d/t constrained heat in the Lungs; Cough d/t consuming of yin by heat in Lung)
Formula to release the exterior, clear heat from intestines?
Ge Gen Qin Lian Tang - Pueraria, Scute and Coptis Decoction
(Diarrhea/dysentery caused by D-H with exterior syndrome; Wind cold at exterior with heat invading interior)
Formula to clear heat, release toxin, cool blood to relieve dysentery?
Bai Tou Weng Tang - Pulsatilla (Chinese Anemone) Decoction
(Dysenteric disorder from heat toxin searing stomach and intestines)
Formulas that clear summer heat?
Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang - Clear Summer Heat and Augment the Qi Decoction
(Summer heat injuring both qi and yin)
Formulas that clear empty heat?
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang - Artimesia and Soft-shelled Turtle Decoction
(Deficiency of yin and heat in the late stage of febrile disease)
Formulas that tonify Qi?
- Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang - Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Decoction (SP/ST Qi Xu syndrome; Prolapse of internal organs d/t sinking yang qi)
- Sheng Mai San - Generate the Pulse Powder (Lung Qi and Yin Xu)
- Si Jun Zi Tang - Four Gentleman Decoction (SP/ST Qi Xu, weak in T & T)
Formulas that tonify blood?
Si Wu Tang - Four Substance Decoction
(Liver blood xu with blood stagnation)
Formulas that tonify qi and blood?
- Gui Pi Tang - Restore the Spleen Decoction (Spleen Qi and Heart Blood Xu)
- Zhi Gan Cao Tang - Honey-fried Licorice Decoction/ Return the Pulse Decoction (Palpitation and intermittent, knotted pulse d/t qi and blood xu; Consumptive disease and lung atrophy)
Formulas that tonify yin?
- Liu Wei Di Huang Wan - Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia (Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency)
- Yi Quan Jian - Liver Tonic (Liver and Kidney Yin deficiencies accompanied by qi stagnation and blood dryness)
Formulas that tonify yang?
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan - Kidney Qi Pill
(Kidney yang deficiency with insufficeint fire at the gate of vitality)
Formulas that tonify yin and yang?
Di Huang Yin Zi - Rehmannia Decoction (for aphasia and paralysis)
(Waning of Kidney Yin and Yang, upward flaring of fire from deficiency and turbid phlegm that blocks the orifices)