Form 1 Flashcards
cardiac tissue conduction velocity
fastest–> slowest
purkinje system, atrial muscle, ventricular muscle, AV node
“Park At Venture Avenue”
bone disease most associated with Paget’s disease of the bone
osteosarcoma- bone tumor
what is globus sensation aka globus hystericus aka globus pharyngeus?
abnormal sensation of foreign body, tightness or fullness in throat
worse when swallowing saliva and maybe alleviated with food or liquid
dopamine agonists used to treat Parkinson’s
bromocriptine (ergot compounds-derived from ergot fungi),
pramipexole and ropinirole (nonergot compounds)
help delay the need to start levodopa
what do you need to test for before prescribing isotretinoin (vitamin A)
negative pregnancy test and two forms of contraception
-terotogenic if you have vitamin A excess
a lot of the drugs that are anticholinesterases (indirect agonists) have in common with their names
end with -tigmine
eg. rivastigmin, neostigmine, physostigmine, and pyridostigmine
organophosphate poisoning leads to
diarrhea, urination, miosis, bronchospasm, bradycardia, excitation of skeletal muscle and CNS, lacrimation, sweating, and salivation
may lead to respiratory failure if untreated
treat with atropine and pralidoxime (regenerates AChE )
auer rods associated with
acute promyelocytic leukemia t(15;17) chromosomal rearrangement
which cytokines is produced exclusively by antigen-stimulated T lymphocytes
-stimulate growth and differentiation of T cells, B cells, NK cells, and macrophages
both anterior and posterior dislocations of the knee joint can injure the ____________-
popliteal artery
most important risk factor for postpartum endometritis
cesarean delivery–> introduce microbial organism and foreign bodies into the incised uterus
mature defense mechanism
channeling impulses into socially acceptable behaviors
mechanism of action of sildenafil (viagra)
phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors increase intracellular concentrations of cGMP in the vascular smooth muscle of the corpora cavernosa–> smooth muscle relaxation and subsequent engorgement
rank in order or how long the symptoms have to last to qualify
- brief psychotic disorder: lasting < 1 month
- schizophreniform disorder: lasting 1-6 months
- schizophrenia: lasting >6 months
most common cause of sporadic encephalitis
herpes simplex virus type 1
temporal lobe is the main region affected
present with fever, headache, seizures, altered level of consciousness, and symptoms of temporal lobe dysfunction
myasthenia gravis is commonly associated with
thymoma and thymic hyperplasia
what is the Knudson “2-hit” hypothesis
both copies of the gene must be knocked out in order to promote malignancy
sporadic cancer- 2 acquired mutations
hereditary cancer= 1 inherited and 1 acquired mutation
example: retinoblastoma
associated with loss of heterozygosity
define loss of heterozygosity
if person inherits or develops a mutation in a tumor suppressor gene, the complementary allele must be deleted/mutated before cancer develops (not true of oncogenes)
why is DiGeorge syndrome associated with recurrent viral/fungal infections?
absent or hypoplastic thymus–> T-cell deficiency
complication of surgical resection of pheochromocytoma
intraoperative hypertiensive crisis
why use alpha adrenergic blocker before beta blockers in surgical resection of pheochromocytoma to prevent intraoperative hypertensive crisis
alpha prevents peripheral vasoconstriction
beta alone will cause severe vasoconstriction and lead to hypertensive crisis
premature or low birth weight infants are at high risk of intraventricular hemorrhage due to
germinal matrix fragility
germinal matrix: dense cellular and vascular layer of the subependymal zone of brain where neurons and glial cells develop in utero–> disappears by term but don’t if the baby is premature
side effect of cisplatin (chemotherapeutic agent)
nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, peripheral neuropathy
prevent nephrotoxicity with amifostine and chlorine diuresis
side effects of aiodarone
interstitial pneumonitis, arrhythmias, hepatic injury, thyroid abnormalities, and bluish-gray skin discoloration
how can NSAIDs lead to gastric ulcer
inhibit prostaglandin formation
prostaglandin stimulate gastric epithelial cell mucus production and help decrease parietal cell acid secretion (protects the mucosa from acid)
location of vast majority of cancers in the head and neck are
squamous cell carcinomas
-oral cavity, ventral tongue, floor of the mouth, lower lip, soft palate, gingiva
how can the use the nitroglycerin lead to reflex tachycardia
direct vascular smooth muscle relaxation –> systemic venodilatioin and decreased peripheral venous return so decrease end-diastolic left ventricular volume (decrease preload)–> reduces myocardial oxygen demand
what explains the difference in electrolyte findings between the 2 types of body fluids
difference in tissue-specific function of the CFTR receptor
- sweat gland: mutated CFTR prevents salt reabsorption, producting sweat that has higher levels of Na and Cl
- respiratory epithelium: mutated CFTR causes thick, viscid secretions that are low in both sodium and chloride
what is pseudohypoparathyroidism
group of disorders characterized by end-organ resistance to parathyroid hormone due to defect in PTH receptor and downstream signaling pathways
symptoms of pseudohypoparathyroidism
hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, despite elevated PTH levels
define allelic heterogeneity
different mutations at the same genetic locus cause similar phenotypes
define pleoitrophy
when multiple, seemingly unrelated phenotypic manifestations as a result of a single genetic defect
ex) Marfan affects skin, bones, blood vessels, and eyes
define polygenic disease
disease that result from defects in numerous, often unrelated genes
ex) Type 2 diabetes- heritable but cannot be traced to any specific gene
what chemical mediator plays an important role in bronchial asthma pathognesis by inducing bronchospasm and increasing bronchial mucus secretion
Leukotriene D4- synthesized by eosinophils and mast cells
how can cirrhosis lead to splenomegaly
cirrhosis–> portal hypertension due to distortion of the hepatic vascular bed–> splenic vein hypertension and splenomegaly
what is impetigo and what is it commonly caused by?
superficial infection of the skin associated with erythema and yellow “honey” crust
Staph aureus and Group A Strep
Staph aureus: bullae may form due to toxin production (bullous impetigo)
gene mutation of achondroplasia (most common cause of dwarfism)
FGFR3 (fibroblast growth factor receptor 3)
proximal limb shortening and result short stature, midface hypoplasia, and frontal bossing
auto dom- and usually spontaneous
maple syrup urine disease has a defect in what enzyme
branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase
and it needs thiamine (vitamin B1) as a coenzyme
so treat with thiamine supplementation and restriction of branched-chain amino acid in diet
what is produced by the sertoli cells of the seminiferous epithelium and is secreted into the seminiferous tubule lumen
androgen-binding protein (ABP)- maintains the high local concentration of testosterone necessary for normal sperm production and maturation
what do red safranin O stains?
cartilage, mast cell granules, and mucin red
urine concentrations of what and what are elevated in patients with pheochromocytomas and other catecholamine-secreting tumors
metanephrines adn vanillylmandelic acid
-b/c epinephrine and norepinephrine are metabolized to metanephrine and normetanephrine (respectively), and subsquently to vanillylmandelic acid