Forests Under Threat Glossary Flashcards
What is abiotic?
Non-living part of a biome, includes the atmosphere, water, rock and soil
What is acid rain?
Rain with a pH lower than 5.7
What is afforestation?
The planting of trees
What is agroforestry?
Growing trees and crops together to maintain biodiversity of agricultural land
What is biodiversity?
The number of different plant and animal species in an area
What is biofuels?
Any kind of fuel made from living things, or from the waste they produce
What is biomass?
Renewable organic materials such as wood, agricultural crops or wastes, when used as a source of fuel or energy
What is biotic?
Living part of a biome, made up of plant (flora) and animal (fauna) life
What is a boreal forest?
The Taiga - the world’s largest land biome
What is clear-cutting?
The logging of all trees in a wide area of forest
What is climate?
The average weather conditions over a 30 year period
What is a confierous tree?
Type of tree which includes pine, spruce and fir, which grow tall and narrow to form a dense canopy
What is conservation?
Protecting threatened biomes, e.g. setting up national parks or banning trade in endangered species
What is deforestation?
The deliberate cutting down of forests to exploit forest resources (timber, land or materials)
What is detritivores?
Animals which feeds on dead or decaying plant and animal matter
What is drought?
A long, continuous period of dry weather