Forensics Flashcards
Offender profiling top down approach:
Profilers who use this method match evidence from the crime scene and other details of the crime into pre existing categories. (Disorganised and organised)
Organised vs disorganised offenders
O - plan crime in advance, above avr intelligence ,high degree of control , usually married with children
D - spontaneous, body usually at the scene, unskilled work,
4 stages to constructing an fbi profile
- Data assimilation
- Crime scene classification org/disorg
- Crime reconstruction (seq of events)
- Profile generation (physical characteristics)
Ao3 to the top down approach
Top down approach is based on poor methodology, a biased sample of 36 sexually motivated serial killers were interviewed , very unrepresentative, also tp profiling is too simplistic as its found offenders aren’t organised and disg they can be both
Top down approach is useful by police , out of 184 82% said it’s useful
What is the bottom up approach
Profile is data driven and based on evidence from the crime scene and the profile becomes more detailed as the offence is studied in more depth , not put into categories like td
Bottom up approach investigative psychology
- Statistical data base - details from crime scene r compared to typical offender beh
- Interpersonal coherence - ppl who are consistent in their beh there’ll be links in the crime
- Forensic awareness - how much the offender has aimed to cover their tracks
- Sig of time and place - positioning and timing of crimes may give clues to where the perpetrator may live
Bottom up approach geographical profiling
Based on spatial consistency, - focuses on location of crime
Offenders are classed as marauders (commit crimes close to home ) or commuters (travel away from home to offend )
Bottom up approach offender profiling a03
:) can be applied to a much wider range of crimes , diff crimes can be profiled using this method , giving it greater external validity as a method. Also it’s based on more scientific methods than the top down because bottom up relies on statistical anylsys ans psychological theory giving it more strength as a method
:( only focuses on possible location of offenders home, although this is important there are other considerations that need to be made like the psychological characteristics (geographical profiling only concentrates on location therefore limiting the effectiveness of geographical profiling)
Biological approach of offending behaviour and historical (lombroso)
Focuses on the idea that all offender beh is due to biological factors (nature) instead of our environment (nurture)
-L suggested criminals are genetic throwbacks (a primitive sub species who are biologically diff to non criminals)
-he proposed criminals lack evolutionary development they’re savage and can’t adjust to modern society so they inevitably turn to crime
-L states criminals are biologically determined (certain features can make u diff to a non criminal like curly hair)
Ao3 of the historical approach to explaining offending behaviour (atavistic)
:( biological determinism, theory states indivs are controlled by internal factors such as facial characteristics which would thus classify them as a criminal . Neglects role of free will and makes indivs think they have no control on if they’re a. Criminal or not. Also Racism cos it says dark skin ppl r criminals (social sensitivity)
:) at the time it was believed criminals committed crimes due to ‘wickedness ‘ and demonic possession whereas L’s work had more scientific biological explanations to it so it was something diff
Biological explanations of offending behaviour
Concordance ?
-Genetic explanations suggest would be offenders inherit a gene which predisposes them to commit a crime
-The likelihood if one person in a pair is a criminal then their twin is also likely to become one
Genetic and neural explanations to offending behaviour - ao3
:) scientific methods, based on objective and empirical techniques such as mri and pet scans increases internal validity of research
:( biologically deterministic , lack of free will leaving indivs thinking they jabs no control over their beh and they will be a criminal if they have a lack of activity im their pre frontal cortec
Candidate genes
Genes which cause specific behaviour
Eg MAOA controls break down of dopamine and serotonin in the brain and has been linked to aggression
CDH13 is linked to substance abuse and attention deficit disorder
Biological explanations of offending behaviour : neural
What’s APD disorder
Neural explanations focus on neurochemistry and activity of brain regions
-associated with reduced emotional responses and lack of empathy, many criminals have this
Indivs with APD…
Have reduced activity in the pre frontal cortex which can help explain why ppl with APD have a lack of empathy
Mirror neurons - neural
Empathy is controlled by mirror neurons in the brain and indivs with APD aren’t WITHOUT empathy but may have a neural switch that can be turned on and off unlike the normal brain which is permanently on
Eynsenck believed
All personality types including a criminals personality type have an innate biological basis
-Indivs inherit a type of nervous system which predisposes them to offending
Eysenck proposed personality traits vary along three dimensions
A typical offender is Neurotic , extravert AND psychotic and would therefore score high lvls of psychoticism
N - due to a reactive sympathetic nervous system some ppl react swiftly to stressful situations leading to unpredictable behaviour such as crime
Extroversion - under arroused nervous system , indiv wants to seek excitement so may do this thru committing crime to cause stimulation
Psychoticism - prone to aggression and lack a conscience more likely to commit crime as there’s less holding them back
The role of socialisation
Eysenck proposed it’s not just certain personality traits but also interaction with the environment that can cause criminality , he claimed ppl high with PEN were less easily conditioned so don’t learn to improve beh
Ao3 eysenks theory of criminal personality
:) ties in with the biological explanations to Criminals as it recognises personality may also have a genetic basis to it . Eg there’s research into apd making indivs Incapable of empathy which includes brain structure, whereas eyesneck used activities of the nervous system
:( hard determinism as it suggests indivs are controlled by their internal facotrs such as activity of their nervous system , neglecting the role of free will and leaving indivs feeling as though they have no control over their beh