Foreign Policy, 1865-1914 Flashcards
In 1867, Senator William H. Seward promoted the purchase of this territory from Russia for 7.2 million. At the time, this was called “Seward’s Folly” and “Seward’s Icebox.”
Alaska (1867)
Industrialization in the 19th century encouraged foreign involvement for what two reasons?
- Worldwide markets for surpluses.
2. Sources of raw materials for manufacturing.
This term is given to the idea of using Darwin’s concept of the survival of the fittest and applying it to competition among nations.
International Darwinism
This poem by Rudyard Kipling inspired Americans to believe it was their duty to “civilize” the “inferior races” of Africa and Asia.
“The White Man’s Burden”
Missionaries like Josiah Strong wrote, Our Country: Its Possible Future and Present Crisis. This convinced American Protestants that it was their Christian duty to do what?
Republicans and business leaders supported imperialism for what two reasons?
- New markets.
2. Raw materials.
Navy Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890). What did he argue in his book?
A strong navy is crucial to become a world power.
What war started in 1889? The Monroe Doctrine justified U.S. intervention in Cuba and the Caribbean.
Spanish-American War (1889)
What were some causes of the Spanish-Ameircan War?
- Jingoism, intense form of nationalism.
- Cuban Revolt, fought Spain for 10 years.
- Yellow Press, exaggerated Spanish atrocities.
- De Lome Letter, insulted Americans.
- USS Maine, battleship exploded in Cuba.
In 1889, this amendment declared that the U.S. had no intention of taking control of Cuba and would allow for a Cuban government.
Teller Amendment (1889)
In 1889, the Treaty of Peace (Paris) ended the Spanish-Ameircan War. What are some results from the war?
- Cuban independence.
- U.S. acquired Puerto Rico and Guam.
- U.S. bought the Philippines from Spain.
After the Spanish-American War, what was the Philippine question?
Does the Constitution follow the Flag? Do Constitutional rights apply to all the people in the territories that the U.S. controls?
In the Insular Cases, the Supreme Court ruled that constitutional rights were not automatically extended to whom?
People living in the territories that the U.S. controls
In 1898, the U.S. annexed this territory after American settlers overthrew the Queen.
Hawaii (1898)
In 1898, the Anti-Imperialist League was founded by this fundamentalist and three time presidential candidate.
William Jennings Bryan
In 1899, Secretary of State John Hay wrote these notes in which nations agreed to open trade up with China.
Open Door Notes (Open Door Policy)
In 1900, this failed rebellion in China led to Chinese nationalists attacking settlements and murdered Christian missionaries and Chinese converts.
Boxer Rebellion (1900)
In 1901, this amendment was added to the Cuban Constitution in which they had to agree to never sign a treaty with a foreign power, never build excessive debt, U.S. can intervene whenever necessary, and U.S. could build a naval base at Guantanamo Bay.
Platt Amendment (1901)
In 1901, this treaty gave the U.S. the permission to dig a canal through Panama without British involvement.
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901)
Which Republican president was assassinated in 1901, which made Theodore Roosevelt president?
Pres. William McKinley
What was Roosevelt’s aggressive foreign policy plan that attempted to build the reputation of the U.S. as a world power.
Big-Stick Policy
“Speak softly and carry a big stick”
In 1903, Teddy Roosevelt and the United States supported a revolution where in order to overthrow Columbian rule and have the right to build a canal.
Panama Revolution (1903)
In 1904, this was added to the Monroe Doctrine in which it made the U.S. a police force in Latin America. U.S. would intervene to collect debts Latin American countries owed to the Europeans.
Roosevelt Corollary (1904)
In 1906, Pres. Roosevelt negotiated the Treaty of Portsmouth. This treaty ended which war and earned Roosevelt the Nobel Peace Prize?
Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
In 1906, this agreement between the U.S. and Japan stated that Roosevelt would persuade California to repeal its law that segregated Japanese-American children in schools?
“Gentlemen’s Agreement” (1906)
This was the name given to the U.S. naval fleet that toured the world between the years of 1907-1909.
Great White Fleet
In 1908, this agreement between the U.S. and Japan stated that both nations would respect each other’s Pacific possessions and support the Open Door Policy in China.
Root-Takahira Agreement (1908)
In 1909, this was Taft’s foreign policy plan. “Dollars over bullets.” Investments in countries would lead to stability in foreign countries and promote business interests.
Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy (1909)
This was Woodrow Wilson’s plan for foreign policy in which Wilson opposed imperialism and the big-stick and dollar-diplomacy policies of his Republican predecessors.
Moral Diplomacy
What is an example of President Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy in the Philippines?
The Jones Act guaranteed a bill of rights and universal male suffrage to Filipino citizens.
What is an example of President Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy in Puerto Rico?
Granted U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans and provided for limited self-government.
What is an example of President Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy in Panama?
U.S. ships had to pay a toll when they passed through the Panama Canal which they did not have to before.
What conflict did President Woodrow Wilson have to deal with that was close to American borders?
Revolution and Civil War in Mexico
President Woodrow Wilson sent General John J. Pershing to pursue who in Mexico?
Pancho Villa
Which event caused President Wilson to withdraw General Pershing and this troops from Mexico?
World War I