forces and stresses Flashcards
pushing force is applied to either side of the material
both tension and compression forces
when a material is twisted
when a pulling force is applied to either end of a material
acts on an object in a direction perpendicular to its length ( slide over eachother in opposite directions)
reinforced meaning
strengthened by the addition of other materials
strengthened meaning
made stronger or more rigid to resist certain forces
what does bending do to a material
adding curves and arches and tubes can add strength to a product, using a minimum amount of material
what does folding do to a material
it adds strength, but also flexibility by enabling a material to bend easily ( think of corrugated cardboard)
what does webbing do to a material
strong fabrics made from high strength material are usually woven into flat strips and used for items under high tension
what does fabric interfacing do
adds an additional layer to give it structure, shape and support (eg. bend of cap or shirt collar)
what does lamination do to a fabric
improves product’s strength and stability. can improve aesthetics by giving a new finish