Foot and Ankle Conditions Flashcards
Ligament Sprains: Grades
- 95% of all lig sprains are lateral
- Grade 1: no loss of fxn, min tearing of ATFL
- Grade 2: some loss of fxn, partial disruption of ATFL, CFL
- Grade 3: complete loss of fxn w/ complete tearing of ATFL, CFL & PTFL
Ligament Sprains: Dx
MRI if necessary
Ligament Sprains: PT
reduction of p! and inflammation w/ manual therapy and mod correction of biomechanical faults
Achilles’ Tendonosis/tendonopathy
degenerative condition of the achilles tendon.
Achilles’ Tendonosis/tendonopathy: Dx
(+) Thompsons test
Achilles’ Tendonosis/tendonopathy: Meds
Acetaminophen and NSAIDS, Corticosteriod injection or by mouth
Achilles’ Tendonosis/tendonopathy: PT
General Bursitis/Tendonopathy tx
Fractures of the Ankle: Type
Unimalleolar: med or lateral
Bimalleolar: med and lateral
Trimalleolar: med, lat & post tub of tibia
Fractures of the Ankle: Dx
plain film imaging - growth plate fractures are of concern, especially types III and IV
Fractures of the Ankle: PT
intervention emphasizes return of fxn w/o p!,
early PROM to prevent capsular adhesions and
funx training/restoration
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome:
- Entrapment of posterior tibial nerve/branch within tarsal tunnel
- caused by overuse, excessive pronation, tendonitis of long flexor/post tib tendons
- Symptoms include:
- pain numbness tingling along medial ankle to plantar surface of the foot
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: Dx
electrodiagnostic tests, (+) tinels of tarsal tunnel
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: meds
NSAIDs, Acetominophen and Neurontin
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: PT
Use of orthoses to maintain neutral alignment of foot and possible neurodynamic mobilization
Flexor Hallucis Tendonopathy
commonly seen in ballet performers, tendonitis in acute stages may become chronic
Flexor Hallucis Tendonopathy Meds
NSAIDs Acetaminophen Corticosteriods
Pes Cavus:
- “hollow foot” deformity observed includes
- increased height of long arch,
- dropping of ant arch,
- metatarsal heads lower than hind foot,
- plantar flexion and splaying of forefoot
- claw toes
- Fxn is limited due to altered arthokinematics reducing ability to absorb forces through foot
- Etiology includes genetics, neurological disorders, contracture of soft tissues
Pes Cavus: dx
clinical exam and biomechanical screen of LE
Pes Cavus: PT
patient education, reduction of high impact sports, use of proper footwear and possibly orthoses
Pes Planus
- deformity including reduction in heigh of medial longitudinal arch, normal in infants/toddlers
- Results in decreased ability for foot to provide a rigid lever for push off during gait,
- Etiology includes genetics, muscle weakness, ligament laxity, paralysis, excessive pronation, trauma or dx (RA)
Pes Planus Dx
clinical exam
Pes Planus PT
intervention emphasizes patient education and appropriate footwear and orthotic fitting
Talipes Equinovarus:
- Postural: results from intrauterine malposition
- Results in plantar flexed, adducted, and inverted foot (postural)
- Talipes: abnormal development of head/neck of talus
- PF at STJ, talocalcaneal, talonavicular, and calcaneocuboid joints & supination at mid tarsal joints
- due to hereditary NMS disorders (myelomingocele)
Talipes Equinovarus: DX
clinical exam