Foot and Ankle Flashcards
What kind of joint is the ankle joint?
Hinge joint
What structures make up the ankle joint?
Distal end of the tibia, medial malleolus of the tibia, lateral malleolus of the fibula, and the talus bone
What is the most commonly sprained joint?
Ankle joint
What are the tarsal bones?
Talus, Calcaneus, Navicular, 1st, 2nd, 3rd cuneiforms, and cuboid
What is the bony projection on the medial side of the calcaneus bone which forms a groove for the flexor hallucis longus tendon?
Sustentaculum tali
What is the small trochlea on the lateral aspect of calcaneus bone that forms a place for peroneus longus and brevs tendonds to run?
Peroneal trochlea
What is the distal attachement of the fibularis brevis m.?
Tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal
What is the distal attachment of the fibularis tertius m?
Base of the 5th metatarsal
What is the distal attachment of the extensor hallucis longus m.?
Distal phalanx
What is the distal attachment of the extensor hallucis brevis m.?
Proximal phalanx
Tibialis anterior and posterior mm. both have distal attachments where?
Cuneiform bone
Do any of the anterior muscles of the leg move the knee joint?
Do any muscles of the lateral compartment of the leg cross the knee joint?
What intrinsic muscles of the foot are found on the dorsum?
Extensor Hallucis Brevis and Extensor Digitorum Brevis mm.
What are the actions of the extensor hallucis brevis and extensor digitorum brevis mm.?
Extension of the toes
What innervates the extensor hallucis brevis and extensor digitorum brevis mm.?
Deep fibular n.
What innervates most of the skin on the dorsum of the foot?
Superficial fibular n.
What innervates abductor hallucis m.?
Medial plantar n.
What innervates abductor digiti minimi m.?
Lateral plantar n.
What innervates flexor digitorum brevis m.?
Medial plantar n.
What innervates quadratus plantae m.?
Lateral plantar n.
What is the action of quadratus plantae m.?
Contraction of this muscle pulls the tendon of the FDL in a straight line so that toes are flexed straight
What innervates the lumbricals?
1st lumbrical by medial plantar n.; 2-4 by lateral plantar n.
What innervates flexor hallucis brevis m.?
Medial plantar n.
Flexor digiti minimi is innervated by what?
Lateral plantar n.
Adductor hallucis m. is innervated by what?
Lateral plantar n.
What is the function of the plantar interossei mm.?
Adducts toes
What is the function of the dorsal interossei mm.?
Abducts toes
What innervates the dorsal and plantar interosseous mm.?
Lateral plantar mm.
What is the dermatome of the groin?
What dermatome is the anterior aspect of the ankle?
What are the three major branches of the anterior tibial a.?
Anterior medial malleolar a., Anterior lateral malleolar a., dorsalis pedis a.
What are the branches of the dorsalis pedis a.?
Lateral tarsal a., medial tarsal a., arcuate a., 1st dorsal metatarsal a., deep plantar a.
What are the branches of the posterior tibial a.?
Medial malleolar, medial calcaneal, medial plantar, lateral plantar, fibular aa.
Which arteries contribute to the deep plantar arch?
Medial and lateral plantar aa.
What are the subdivisions of the fibular a.?
Perforating, lateral malleolar, lateral calcaneal a.
What is the anatomical name for the ankle joint?
Talocrural joint
What are the lateral ligaments of the ankle joint? To what do they all attach?
Anterior talofibular, posterior talofibular, calcaneofibular ligaments; all attac to the lateral malleolus of the fibula
What are the parts of the medial ligament of the ankle joint? To what do they all attach?
Tibiocalcaneal, tibionavicular, anterior tibiotalar, posterior tibiotalar parts; medial malleolus of the tibia
What kind of ankle sprain is most common? What ligaments does it affect?
Inversion sprain affecting lateral ligaments
What kind of sprain affects the medial ligament of the ankle?
Eversion sprains
What is a Pott’s fracture?
When the medial malleolus of the tibia is fractured by eversion of the medial ligaments
If the foot is permanently dorsiflexed and everted, which nerve might be damaged?
Tibial n.