Female Pelvis/Perineum Flashcards
What is the fatty layer anterior to the pubic symphysis in females?
Mons Pubis
What is the female homolog of the scrotum?
Labia Majora
What female structure contains the termination of the round ligament of the uterus?
Labia Majora
What structure surrounds the vestibule of the vagina?
Labia Minora
What is the female homolog of the penis?
What structures make up the clitoris?
2 crura, 2 corpora cavernosa, glans clitoris
Which orifices open into the vestibule of the vagina?
Orifices of urethra, vagina, and ducts of greater and lesser vestibular glands, paraurethral glands
What is the female homolog of the prostate gland?
Paraurethral glands (Skene’s glands)
What is the female homolog of the bulbourethral glands?
Greater vestibular (Bartholin’s glands)
What structure covers the crura of the clitoris?
Ischiocavernosus m.
What structure covers the bulb of the vestibule?
Bulbocavernosus mm.
In what anatomical space are the greater vestibular glands located in females?
Superficial perineal pouch
In females the external urinary sphincter is broken up into what 2 parts?
Compressor urethrae and urethralvaginal sphincter m.
What are the contents of the female superficial perineal pouch?
Bulbospongiosus mm., bulbs of the vestibule, ischiocavernosus mm., crura of clitoris, superficial transverse perineus mm., Greater vestibular glands, urethra and vagina, deep and superficial perineal branches of the internal pudendal vessels and pudendal nn.
What are the contents of the female deep perineal pouch?
Urethral sphincter complex, deep transverse perineal mm., urethra and vagina, deep perineal branches of internal pudendal vessels and pudendal n, dorsal a. and n. of the clitoris
What is the female analog of the posterior scrotal n. branches?
Posterior Labial brs.
What innervates the anterior labia majora?
Branches of ilioinguinal n and genital branch of genitofemoral n.
Where is the injection made in a pudendal n. block?
Where the pudendal n. crosses the lateral aspect of sacrospinous ligament near its attachment to the ischial spine
What is the blood supply to the labia majora?
Posterior labial branches of perineal a., anterior labial brs. Of deep external pudendal a., cremasteric a.
What is the nerve supply to the labia majora?
Genital br. Of genitofemoral n., anterior labial brs of ilioinguinal n., posterior labial brs of perineal brs of pudendal n., perineal brs of posterior cutaneous n. of the thigh
What is the peritoneal space between the uterus and bladder?
Vesicouterine pouch
What is the peritoneal space between the uterus and rectum?
Rectouterine pouch
What represents the lowest portion of the peritoneum in females?
Rectouterine pouch
What is the path of the urethers in females?
Under ovarian vessels, over iliac vessels, and under uterine a.
The ovarian vessels are encased in wat extension of the broad ligament?
Suspensory ligament of ovary
What is the spatial relationship of the ovaries to the broad ligament?
Ovaries are located posterior to broad ligament
Where can a stone in the ureter be palpated in a female?
Where the ureters pass the lateral fornix of the uterus
What are the subdivisions of the uterus?
Fundus, body,a nd cervix
What is the typical position of the uterus?
Anteverted, anteflexed
The wall of body of uterus consists of what three layers?
Perimetrium, Myometrium, Endometrium
What are the two parts of the cervix?
Supravaginal and vaginal
What is the double layer of peritoneum that extends from the side of the uterus to the lateral walls and floor of the pelvis?
Broad ligament of uterus
What are the 3 subdivisions of the broad ligament of the uterus?
Mesosalpinx, mesometrium, mesovarium
Which part of the broad ligament is between the uterine tubes and mesovarium?
What part of the braod ligament is between the mesovarium and cardinal ligament?
What is the thickenings of endopelvic fascia that extens from supravaginal cervix to lateral walls of the pelvis?
Cardinal (transverse cervical) ligament
What portion of the broad ligament is between the ovary and the posterior portion of the broad ligament?
What ligaments pass from sides of cervix to middle of sacrum
uterosacral ligaments
What ligaments run from the pubis to the cervix?
Pubocervial ligaments
How many fornices of the vagina are there?
What are the 4 subdivisions of the uterine tube from lateral to medial?
Infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus, uterine
What tethers the ovary to the uterus?
The ovarian ligament
What are the two types of episiotomies?
Mediolateral and median
What non-pathological structures can be palpated in a female rectal exam?
Cervix, posterior wall of vagina, pelvic surface of sacrum and coccyx, ischial spines and tuberosities