Foot Flashcards
Bones of foot
Calcaneus Talus Navicular Cuneiform (x3) Cuboid 5 metatarsals 14 phalanges (2 on hallux, 3 on digits)
Deep fascia of foot
Dorsum of foot-thin and continuous with extensor retinaculum
Sole of foot-plantar fascia
Central part thickens to form plantar aponeurosis
Plantar aponeurosis
Central thickened part of plantar fascia
Consists of longitudinally arranged band of dense CT
Arises from calcaneus posteriorly
Converse entire length of sole
Divides into 5 bands
Passive support for arch of foot (longitudinal arch)
Plantar fasciitis
Plantar aponeurosis inflammation at calcaneus
Pain most severe after sitting and getting out of bed
Running, high-impact exercise, worn-out shoes, overweight
May lead to bony process-“heel spur”-especially from medial calcaneal tubercle
Dorsal foot muscles
Extensor hallucis brevis (1st phalanx)
Extensor digitorum brevis (2nd-4th phalanges)
N: lateral branch of deep fibular N.
Forms a fleshy mass on lateral part of dorsum of foot anterior to lateral malleolus
A: extends toes
Plantar muscles
4 layers
Help maintain foot arches
Stand on uneven ground
Plantar muscle: first layer
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor digitorum brevis
Abductor hallucis
Plantar muscles: second layer
Quadratus plantae: joins tendon of FDL to calcaneus; assists FDL in flexing lateral four digits
Lumbricals: originate from flexor digitorum longus tendons
Medial aspect of extensor expansion
A: flex MP join, extend PIP and DIP joints
Tendons on second layer
Flexor hallucis longus
Flexor digitorum longus
Plantar muscles: third layer
3 short muscles to first and fifth digits
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Adductor hallucis: Transverse and oblique head
Flexor hallucis brevis: medial and lateral head cover plantar surface of first metatarsal
Tendons have sesamoid bones that rote to first metatarsal head and tendon of FHL when standing and walking
Opponens digit minimi: not actually a muscle
Plantar Muscles: fourth layer
3 plantar interossei: digits 3,4, and 5 toward 2nd digit
4 dorsal interossei: digits 2,3, and 4 way from midline of digit 2
Tendons found on fourth layer
Fibularis longus and tibialis posterior
Hallux valgus
Foot deformity characterized by lateral deviation of great toe
Surrounding tissues swell and resultant pressure and friction against the shoe cause a bursa to form
Tender and inflamed bursa-bunion
Corns-inflamed areas of thick skin; form over proximal interphalangeal joints
Mallet toe
Flexion in the distal IP joint
Hammer toe
“Hammer like” deformity (usually of 2nd digit)
Proximal phalanx is permanently hyperextended at MP joint
Middle phalanx is plantarflexed at PIP joint
Distal phalanx is extended