Foot Flashcards
Where are the Malleolar Grooves?
Both the medial and lateral malleoli have small verticle grooves carved into their posterior surfaces.
Designed to offer stability and leverage to tendonds that bend around the ankle.
Where are the Lateral and Medial Malleoli?
Large conspicuous knobs on either side of the ankle.
Slender lateral malleolus protrudes from the distal fibula.
Broaded Medial malleolus is locates at the distal end of the tibia.
Where is the Calcaneus?
Large, solid calcaneus fors the heel of the foot.
Situated beneath the talus and projects two inches posteriorly from the malleoli.
Where is the Tuberosity of the Calcaneus?
A rounded region located slong the posterior surface.
Where is the Sustentaculum Tali?
Located on the medial sofe of the calcaneus.
Roughly one inch distal to the medial malleolus.
Shaped like a plank
Where is the Peroneal Trochlea?
Located on the lateral side of the foot.
Roughly one inch distal to the lateral malleolus.
Small, superficial prominence that protrudes from the calcaneus surface to help stabilize the peroneal muscle.
Where is the Head of the Talus?
The round, anterior portion that articulates with the navicular.
Medial aspect of the head is accessible posterior to the navicular tubercle.
Where is the Trochlea?
The large, superior prominence of the body of the talus.
Is wedges between the distal ends of the fibula and the tibia.
Anterior part of the trochlea is located between the malleoli.
Where is the Medial Tubercle of the Talus?
Posterior to the medial malleolus.
Where is the Hallucis?
(Big Toe) Composed of two phalanges.
The joint between the phalanges, the interphalangeal joint, is a hinge joint wrapped in supportive ligaments.
The first metatasophalangeal joint is located at the ball of the foot, It is an ellipsoid joint with a lrge bulbous shape.
Where is the First Metatarsal?
Its dorsal and medial sides are superficial and easily accessible; its plantar surface is deep to several thick muscles.
Proximal end of the first metatarsal flares to articulate with the medial cuneiform.
Describe the Phalanges.
Unlike the Hallucis, the secon through fifth toes contain three phalanges each.
In each toes there are two articulations, the proximal interphalangeal or “pip” joint, and the distal interphalangeal or “dip” joint.
Describe the Second Through Fifth Metatarsals.
Each of the long slender bones of the second through fifth metatarsals has an enlarged base and head. The bases are set close together in articulation with the tarsals.
Easily palpable of the dorsal side of the foot.
Describe the Fifth Metatarsal tuberosity.
Is a superficial knob that extends laterally off the base of the metatarsal and is the attachment point for the peroneus brevis
Describe the Medial, Middle and Lateral Cuneiforms.
The three cuneiforms lie in a row between the navicular and metatarsals.
Medial cuneiform can be isolated along the dorsal and medial surfaces.
The middle and lateral cuneiforms, sandwiched between the medial cuneiform and the cuboid, are accessible on their dorsal surfaces.
Describe the Navicular and Navicular Tuberosity.
Bean-shaped navicular is sandwiched between the medial and middle cuneiforms and the talus. Its dorsal and medial surfaces are superficial and palpable.
The superficial tuberosity bulges out of the medial side of the foot.
Describe the Cuboid.
Is surrounded on three of its four sides by the fourth and fifth metatarsals, the lateral cuneiform and the calcaneus.
Because of its cramped location and the covering of the brevis, the cuboid is only partially accessible.