Food Laws Flashcards
Food System Eras (4)
What started the technological age
Industrial Rev
General def of Food
any substance, solid or liquid, that may be ingested and digested by a living organism
Specific Legal def of Food
Any substance whether processed, semi processed, or raw, which is intended for human consumption, and includes drink, gum, and any substance which has been used in the manufacture, prep or treatment of food, but does not include cosmetics, tobacco, or substances used only as drugs
Law def
systems used to regulate relationships between ind or groups in a given culture
Food Laws def
Systems used to regulate relationships between food/producers/ manufacturers/distributors/ marketers and consumers in a given culture.
Provides statement of intent
The Jungle
exposed improper manufacturing practices occurring in the meat packaging facilities in chicago
Pure Food and Drug Act
Prohibits interstate commerce in misbranded and adulterated food, drink, and drug
Meat Inspection Act
Gives USDA responsibility of sanitation, animals, meat products and labs
Label approval
Compliance to req
Define adulteration and misbranding
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
Safe tolerances be set for unavoidable poisonous substances
Authorized standards of identity, quality, and fill of container for foods
Authorized factory inspection
Poultry Inspection Act
Continuous inspection of poultry operations
Food Additives Amendment
Prohibits food additives that cause cancer
Color Additives Amendments
Dealt w the safety of color ingredients when used in processed foods
Responsibility for proof of safety transferred from FDA to manufacturers
Fair Packaging and Labeling Act
Set req for food labels
Applies to products intended for retail sale and consumption
Egg Product Inspection Act
Adulteration and misbranding applied to egg
Req pasteurization of egg products
Imported eggs have the same req
Proxmire Amendment to
Prohibits limits on max potency of vit and min in food
Nutrition Labeling and Edu Act
Req packaged foods to bear nutr labeling
Health claims
Serving sizes, “low fat”, “light” now defined
Dietary Supplement Health Edu Act
Defines supplements
Criteria for labeling
Not subject to delaney amendment (can add carcinogens)
Safety Modernization Act (5 Areas)
Preventative controls Inspections Compliance Import monitoring Supplement Industry
Objectives of Food Laws (3)
Prevent Adulteration
Prevent Misbranding
Punish Adulterer
Adulteration def
the use of ingredients in the production of any professionally genuine article which are cheaper/worse or which are not considered desirable as ingredients for which they are substituted
Economic Adulteration
Reduction of value by adding less valuable material or removing a valuable constituent
False representation as food of higher value
Physical/Chem Adulteration
Presence of
Aesthetically displeasing foreign material
Potentially harmful MO, chem, substances
Melamine Adulteration
Sets milk at higher price
Melamine addition no approved
Statements are/aren’t made with the intention on its label
Prevents deception
Consumers Entitled to
Safe food
Accurate info
Food and Drug Admin (FDA) purp
Provides guidance, regulation, and oversight for all foods (except meat and poultry), food safety, labeling, research
Powers of FDA (2)
Inspect food processing/handling planes and close if needed
Can seize and destroy adulterated product
Food Safety and Inspection Service
part of USDA
Responsible for ensuring meat products are safe, wholesome, and correctly labelled & packaged
Meat inspection Provides grading services fruit, veg poultry meat
State and Local Authority in CA
Ca Dept of Public Helath Food and Drug Branch
def of food science
Food Science is the discipline in which
biology, physical sciences, and engineering
are used to study the nature of foods, the
causes of their deterioration, and the
principles underlying food processing