Food Animal - Spine, Abdomen, and Perineum Flashcards
what is the difference between an epidural and spinal? (Location)
epidural - S4 - C1 & C1 - C2
spinal - L6 & sacrum
what injection caused the grayed out space to be numed?
caudal epidural
What injection goes into the epidural space where there is no CSF and negative pressure?
What injection goes through the dura and into the CSF (subarachnoid space)?
Spinal anesthesia
What is a caudal epidural used for?
Dystopia, C-section, rectal prolapse, vaginal prolapse, uterine prolapse, PU (urolithiasis)
What are the 3 possible locations of a caudal epidural?
Sacroccoccygeal joint
First intercoccygeal joint
Second intercoccygeal joint
When do you stop advancing the needle with a caudal epidural once it is in the intercoccygeal space?
Advance until neg pressure of epidural space sucks down the blob on lidocaine in the hub
What is being done in this image?
Caudal epidural
What is being done here?
Lumbosacral epidural
What are the indications for a lumbosacral epidural?
C section (swine and small ruminants), umbilical surgery, mastectomy, tube cystostomy, painful fracture in rear limb
What procedure numbs the gray area in this image?
Lumbosacral epidural
What procedure blocks sensory and motor to the caudal 1/2 of the body?
Lumbosacral epidural
Where do you inject the needle to aspirate CSF using the lumbosacral technique?
Midline just caudal to a line connecting tuber coxae
What are the different blocks for flank anesthesia?
Line block
Inverted L
Paravertebral block
What two blocks are being preformed here?
Dotted line - line block
Solid line - inverted L
What two blocks are being preformed here?
Top - proximal/dorsal paravertebral
Bottom - distal/lateral “tip”
Which paravertebral block is better for fat/heavily muscled cows vs thin cows?
Proximal/dorsal - fat/heavily muscled
Distal/lateral - thin
What are the landmarks for the proximal/dorsal paravertebral block?
Front of L1 - to get to T13
Back of L1 - to get L1
Back of L2 - to get to L2
What are the landmarks for the distal/tip paravertebral block?
Tip of L1, L2, & L4
What must be done differently for the distal vs proximal paravertebral nerve block?
For distal the spinal nerves have already split into dorsal and ventral branches so equal volume must be above and below
For proximal splits above and below transverse process so inject more volume below transverse process
What type of action should be done with a distal paravertebral block to spread the injection over a wider area but within same horizontal plane?
Fanning action above and below transverse process
What is a rumen trocar used for?
Esophageal foreign obstruction that won’t go with judicious force
Frothy bloat with severe abdominal distention and obvious respiratory compromised
What should be done in this animal?
Place rumen trocar - bloated
What is this?
Rumen trocar
Where is a rumen trocar placed?
Left flank
What is this?
Where is a rumenostomy done?
Dorsal left paralumbar fossa
What are the indications for a rumenostomy?
Recurrent bloat
What are the layers incised in a flank laparotomy?
Muscles - external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique, transversus abdominus
Uterus (C section)
What side of the the cow is this?
What side of the cow is this?
What is the reticular groove?
Facilitates flow of milk from esophagus directly into omasum and abomasum, bypassing reticulum and rumen
Label each stomach component
Which stomach component is this?
What does each circle represent if a ping is heard at each location?
Red - left displaced abomasum
Green - rumen gas cap
White - pneumoperitoneum
How can you differentiate pings?
Location, quality of ping, succession, pass stomach tube, liptac test, ultrasound
Describe what is found for an RDA with auscultation, percussion, succusing, rectal
Auscult & percuss - ping, centered over 10th and 11th ribs, round ping (primarily gas)
Succus fluid splash
Rectal - not palpable
What does each circle represent if a ping is heard at each location?
Red - RDA, abomasum volvulus
Blue - colonic distension
Yellow - cecal dilatation / volvulus
White - pneumoperitoneum
What are the characteristics of a volvulus ping?
Centered over 10th-12th rib
Large : 9th ICS -> mid paralumbar fossa
Flat ventral border - fluid
Succussible fluid splash
Rectal - usually palpable
What is being done here?
Where is rumenocentesis done?
10cm caudal to costochondral junction & 10cm below rib 13
What are the indications for an abdominocentesis?
Suspect peritonitis, intestinal accidents, intra-abdominal neoplasia, ruptured bladder
What are the two locations for abdominocentesis?
Lateral to udder
6cm caudal to xiphoid and 6cm lateral to midline
What are the indications for a liver biopsy?
Confirm presence of liver disease
Research purposes
What is the location for a liver biopsy?
Intercostal space 10, 11, or 9 & between two lines from tubercoxae to shoulder and elbow
What is this?
Uterine prolapse
What is done to correct a uterine prolapse?
Buhner stitch
What is a episiotomy?
Surgical incision of vulva to facilitate vaginal delivery when there is a dystocia caused by fetal-maternal disproportion
Where do you incise for a episiotomy?
Incise at 10 and 2 o’clock position
What are the common locations for an obstructive urolithiasis?
Urethral process/vermiform appendage
Sigmoid flexure
(Where diameter of urethra decreases)
What is a perineal urethrostomy?
Make male urinate like a female