Food Animal Parasitology Flashcards
what is FEC used for?
breed purposes and to identify high contaminators
what factors can be used to indicate targeted selective treatment?
Milk production
what can increase refugia?
targeted selective treatment and selective non-treatment
what can speed the development of anthelmintic resistance?
long acting products
alternative anthelmintics
pour on products
what are the 3 big cattle dewormers?
- macrocyclic lactones (pour ons popular)
- benzimidazoles
- nicotinics
calves born in the spring should be dewormed when?
they should be treated midsummer (maybe at weaning) since they don’t have a large worm population under 4 months of age
when should you deworm fall born calves?
at pasture turnout (start of grazing season)
selective non-treatment, leaving a percentage of the herd untreated
is targeted selective treatment common in cattle?
how might combination treatment of parasites effect efficacy?
the combination of two drugs with ~75% efficacy yields greater than 90% efficacy providing broad spectrum efficacy
**when drugs showed reduced efficacy individually, the combination was effective **