What is food?
Physiologicallyfood is what is consumed to supply energy
What is included in a diet?
All components an organism consumes including nutrients and water.
What are macronutrients?
Carbohydrates (CHOs) lipids
What are micronutrients?
Vitamins and minerals.
What is energy in the context of food?
The capacity to do work measured in calories or joules
What is the basal metabolic rate (BMR)?
The energy required for involuntary activities like cellular ion transport brain and heart activities
How is BMR calculated?
BMR = 24 kcal × weight (kg).
What is total metabolism?
The sum of all metabolic processes needed to sustain life including basal needs and physical activities.
What is the equation for energy and nutrient balance?
Energy and nutrient intake = expenditure + changes in stored energy and nutrients.
What are the aims of establishing energy and nutrient requirements?
To maintain appropriate body weight physical activity
What is the primary energy source in the body?
Carbohydrates supplying about 50-60% of energy needs.
What are the two classes of dietary carbohydrates?
Complex (e.g. starch
What is the energy yield of carbohydrates?
4 kcal/g or 17 kJ/g.
What are lipids?
Fats and fat-like substances including triglycerides
What is the energy yield of lipids?
9 kcal/g or 37 kJ/g.