Food Flashcards
cauliflower /ˈkɒliflaʊə(r)/
a vegetable with green leaves around a large hard white head of flowers (súp lơ)
raspberry /ˈrɑːzbəri/
a small, dark red soft fruit that grows on bushes
Dâu rừng
plum /plʌm/
a soft round fruit with smooth red or purple skin, that is sweet inside with a large flat seed
passionfruit /ˈpæʃn fruːt/
a small tropical fruit with a thick purple skin and many seeds inside, produced by some types of passion flower
chanh day
a small green or purple fruit that grows in bunches on a climbing plant (called a vine). Wine is made from grapes nho
cabbage /ˈkæbɪdʒ/
a round vegetable with large green, purplish-red or white leaves that can be eaten raw or cooked
vegetable /ˈvedʒtəbl/
rau củ
zucchini /zuˈkiːni/
a long vegetable with dark green skin that is white inside
quả bí
apricot /ˈæprɪkɑːt/
a round fruit with yellow or orange skin and a large hard seed inside
quả mơ
pomegranate /ˈpɒmɪɡrænɪt/
a round fruit with thick smooth skin, that is red inside and full of large seeds
quả lưu
eggplant /ˈeɡplænt/
a vegetable with shiny dark purple skin that is soft and white inside
cà tím
leek /liːk/
a vegetable like a long onion with many layers of wide leaves that are white at the bottom and green at the top. Leeks are eaten cooked. The leek is a national symbol of Wales.
tỏi tây
lettuce /ˈletɪs/
a plant with large green leaves that are eaten raw, especially in salad. There are many types of lettuce.
rau xà lách
cereal /ˈsɪəriəl/
one of various types of grass that produce grains that can be eaten or are used to make flour or bread. wheat, barley and rye are all cereals.
ngũ cốc
lime /laɪm/
a small green fruit, like a lemon, with juice that has a bitter, sharp taste, used in cooking and in drinks; the juice of this fruit
chanh xanh