FOM anki flash cards week 2
What is fertilization?
The fusion of sperm and oocyte to form a zygote, occurring in the ampulla of the uterine tube.
What happens when sperm binds to the zona pellucida (ZP3)?
Acrosomal enzymes are released to penetrate the egg, and meiosis II is triggered in the egg.
What prevents further sperm entry after fertilization?
The egg’s membrane fuses with the sperm, blocking additional sperm entry.
What is cleavage in embryonic development?
rapid cell devisions.
What is totipotency, and up to which stage are cells totipotent?
The ability to develop into any cell type, cells are totipotent up to the 8-cell stage.
What is mosaicism?
A condition where an individual has cells with different chromosome complements.
What is a morula?
An early embryo with 16-32 cells.
What is a blastocyst?
An embryo with 200-300 cells and a fluid-filled cavity (blastocyst cavity).
What do trophoblasts and embryoblasts form?
Trophoblasts form the placenta, embryoblasts form the embryo.
When does implantation occur?
Around day 6 after fertilization.
What is ectopic pregnancy?
Implantation outside the uterus.
What is placenta previa?
Abnormal positioning of the placenta.
What are the two layers of the bilaminar embryo?
The epiblast (dorsal) and hypoblast (ventral).
What is the role of the syncytiotrophoblast?
It produces hCG and helps with implantation.
When is the amniotic cavity formed?
By day 9.