Follow-Up Flashcards
What are the two methods of follow-up?
Active and Passive
According to CoC Standard 6.5, a(n)______% follow-up rate is required to be maintained for all analytic patients diagnosed within the last five years, or from the registry reference date, whichever is shorter.
A patient is considered lost to follow-up if no follow-up information has been obtained on them for _____ months.
According to CoC Standard 6.5, a(n)____% follow-up rate must be maintained for all eligible analytic patients from the cancer registry reference date.
What type of registry can calculate population-based survival statistics?
A central registry
What is the primary purpose of a central cancer registry?
To evaluate the survival of specific groups/demographics of patients.
Who is responsible for monitoring the follow-up rate for all analytic patients?
The cancer committee.
Patients greater than _____ years old may be excluded from follow-up calculations, according to the CoC.
What method of follow-up does NOT require contact with the patient or physician?
The CoC requires follow-up to be performed at least:
A. Quarterly
B. Bi-annually
C. Semi-annually
D. Annually
D. Annually
Follow-up timing is based on:
A. Date of diagnosis
B. Date of last contact
C. Date of first contact
B. Date of last contact
This method of follow-up involves directly contacting physicians, patients, or other facilities.
Another term for follow-up is _______
Hospital registries report updated follow-up information to the central registry and ________.
The CoC’s NCDB (National Cancer Data Base).
The process of linking death certificates from a state’s vital statistics office with registry records to obtain death data for previously registered cancer cases is called ______
Death clearance
Linking with voter registration files, dept. of motor vehicle files, or Medicare files is what method of follow-up?
A. Active
B. Passive
B. Passive
Living with cancer, living through cancer, and living beyond cancer are the three phases of _______
Cancer survivorship
According to CoC standards, a survivorship care plan is recommended but not required of accredited cancer programs.
True or False?
Follow-up is important because:
A. It provides survival information.
B. It provides information about the success or failure of cancer diagnosis and treatment.
C. Information obtained through follow-up is used to improve patient care.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
Standard 4.8 Survivorship Program states that the ________ appoints a coordinator of the survivorship program.
Cancer committee.
A follow-up program is good for public relations.
True or False?
True. Most patients appreciate the continued interest in their care.
All are common objectives of follow-up EXCEPT:
A. Determine the patient’s vital status.
B. Determine the patient’s medical status.
C. Determine the patient’s financial status.
D. Collect information on recurrence.
E. Collect information on any new primaries.
F. Encourage the patient to continue surveillance.
C. Determine the patient’s financial status.
A cancer program should develop policies regarding permission to contact patients directly.
True or False?
Survival data relies on successful, comprehensive _______ information.
How often are central registries required to do a death clearance on all residents of their state/territory who died during the year?
Annually at the end of each calendar year.
The follow-up rate is calculated on all eligible patients, both living and dead.
True or False?
Which method of follow-up is more costly and labor intensive?
A. Active.
B. Passive.
A. Active.
Which of the following must be included in follow-up:
A. Foreign residents. B. Reportable by agreement cases. C. Patients over 100 years of age. D. Non-analytic cases. E. None of the above.
E. None of the above.
These are all EXCLUDED from follow-up.
According to CoC Standard 6.5, PCP facilities must maintain a follow-up rate of ________% for all eligible analytic cases from the registries reference date.
Long-term follow-up is essential to evaluate outcomes of cancer care.
True or False?
Which CoC Standard addresses Follow-Up of Patients?
A. 6.3
B. 7.1
C. 7.2
D. 6.5
D. 6.5
Follow-up information is obtained at least annually for
all analytic cases of living patients included in the cancer registry database.
True or False?
A non-CTR can perform follow-up activities in the registry.
True or False?
In registry terms, what phrase is used to describe the general approval by a facility’s medical staff for the registry to contact patients directly to obtain current follow-up information?
A. Blanket permission
B. Legal authorization
C. Patient consent
D. Limited approval
A. Blanket permission
All follow-up letters need to be approved by the
A. National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR).
B. Commission on Cancer (CoC).
C. North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR).
D. The cancer committee, hospital administration, or governing agencies.
D. The cancer committee, hospital administration, or governing agencies.
Which statement is true regarding follow-up preference and costs to central registries?
A. Active follow-up is more typically performed and it is more expensive than passive follow-up.
B. Active follow-up is more typically performed and it is less expensive than passive follow-up.
C. Passive follow-up is more typically performed and it is more expensive than active follow-up.
D. Passive follow-up is more typically performed and it is less expensive than active follow-up.
D. Passive follow-up is more typically performed and it is less expensive than active follow-up.
What is the required follow-up rate for all eligible living patients in the registry?
What method of follow up is used primarily to determine the patient’s vital status and current date last seen alive or date of death?